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Blackburn Firebrand T.F. Mk V (*) 1.0

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10 Screenshots

About This File

The Blackburn Firebrand was a single-engine strike fighter for the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy during World War II by Blackburn Aircraft. Originally intended to serve as a pure fighter, its unimpressive performance and the allocation of its Napier Sabre piston engine by the Ministry of Aircraft Production for the Hawker Typhoon caused it to be redesigned as a strike fighter to take advantage of its load-carrying capability. Development was slow and the first production aircraft was not delivered until after the end of the war. Only a few hundred were built before it was withdrawn from front-line service in 1953.


So the Firebrand T.F. Mk 5 (124 new and T.F. Mk IV upgraded) served with 813 and 827 NAS on Illustrious, Implacable, Indomitable and Eagle carriers, or at some bases like Ford or Culdrose from 1947 until 1953, when Wyvern arrived.



What's in:


- a new plane (*);

- 6 new / upgraded skins;

- Historical decalsets;

- open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;

- cockpit from Wyvern;

- weapons

- sound;

- New screens;

- loadout.tga;







(*) This not a complete plane: you need the lod files from A-TEAM site.

You will found the Firebrand T.F. Mk IV in beta section.






- All to A-TEAM

- Skippybing - pit

- Paulopanz - Skins, Decals,edits;




- copy Firebrand_G2-R0b.lod file in Firebrand filder inside the icluded mod folder

- all mod folder content in your mod install

- overwrite



Known Issues:



as this a beta (unifinished) model it has several issues.



- 4 unmapped meshes (TDoor_R/L; RadiatorFlap_R/L) patched via decals;

- uncorrect wingfold, as the real one was like Firefly (coming soon ...);

- the right gear at take off is outside the relative door;


Maybe it could be finished ... but we can use it very well too.



The FM was edited to me to allow the plane to fly.

A specialist (who said Baffmeister or Cliff?) should take care of this bird.



I love british carrierborne planes of any kind.



That's all






@ paulopanz

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