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XvT-BoP Mission Pak - Rebel Operation: Wolf Pack

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XvT-BoP Mission Pak - Rebel Operation: Wolf Pack


*Note: these missions have been converted to BoP format. This is required, due to some of the ships needed for them are NOT in "standard" XvT. No ship patch or other mods are needed*


This is an 11 mission campaign for Xwing vs Tie fighter.



Green Squadron flees the destruction of the Rebel Base at Hoth to the Sigma sector to raid Imperial shipping. Here it is hoped they can regroup, refit, contact other fleeing Rebel forces, and continue the Fight for Freedom in the Galaxy.

This sector of the Empire is far removed from the front lines. This should be an easy (read: safe) hunting ground.

Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added.

As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes!


Original Mission set by "rrobin", circa 199???

Updated/edited/etc by Kevin 'Wrench' Stein circa 2002, update for GoG version 2/2015


Good Hunting!


Kevin Stein

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