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XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set "Bacta Wars"

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XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set "Bacta Wars" 10/31/2015


(works with original CD version and new GoG version)


For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (must have the BW availalbe, hence the need for BoP)


*Note: this is =NOT= to be confused with the post-Endor Bacta Wars/Battle of Thyferra. This takes place DURING the Galactic Civil War. The Thyferrian story line (ie: "Rogue Squadron" will be covered in another, New Republic set).


In this 8 mission set, you will be flying for the Empire, protecting vital shipments from Thyferra, and other important missions, such as removing Rebel interlopers. It should be noted that some of these missions are QUITE difficult, along the lines of some of the original TFCD played on Hard. Fly accordingly!


These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder.


All of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are often used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added.


As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes!


Good luck and good flying!
Kevin Stein


Original set by Mark Samios, for TFCD circa 1998

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