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XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: "B-Wing Attack"

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XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: "B-Wing Attack" 10/20/2015


(works with original CD version and new GoG version)


= For XvT -w/Bop- Addon, or GoG version (must have the BW availalbe, hence the need for BoP) =


Here's a new 24-mission Tour of Duty for X-Wing fans. The time frame is approximately that of Tour 5 of the original XWCD, concurrent with the deployment of the B-Wing to the Alliance Fleet.


These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder.


Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. Briefings are detailed, and include mission hints and strategy. As it's in a later time frame, countermeasures are either pre-loaded or selectable. In several missions, I've activated flights, other then the B-Wings, for Player (or mulit-player) usage.


As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes!


Watch for the upcoming set "Secret Clone Project:, which continues the story from the Imperial side.


Good luck and good flying!
Kevin Stein
original set for XWCD by Mark Shenefelt, 1997

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