About This File
Skin for the Fletcher Class Destroyer
(1941-46) by GrinchWSLG
This is representative of a war era Fletcher. To be exact its a late war version.
The model is a mix of different ships, specifically the Kidd and the Sullivans. Its finished in Measure 22.
A paintkit is included for those who want to finish it in the various other Measures used during the war.
1. For SF, WOV, WOE, WOI: Put the "Fletcher" folder into your "GroundObject" Fletcher ...folder !!!!
For SF2: ... Place the Fletcher folder in
User/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikerFighters2(whatever version you use)/Objects/GroundObject......
Be carefull ...save the original skin 1st !!!! This will copy/paste the original skin.
The default texture is 2048x2048 .
Original Skin=GrinchWSLG
Remake Skin=Acesfakia
This mod/skin is released under the CombatAce Thirdwire Community Freeware Licensing Agreement ..
As such it may not be used in payware, proper credit should be given in the readme file of any freeware it is released in,
and if feasible include the original readmes.
original ship =sf1