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Petlyakov Pe-2 "Buck" (*) 1.0.0

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19 Screenshots

About This File

The Petlyakov Pe-2 was a Soviet light bomber used during World War II.
It was regarded as one of the best ground attack aircraft of the war and it was also successful
in the roles of heavy fighter, reconnaissance and night fighter.
Several Communist nations flew the type after the war,
when it became known by the NATO reporting name Buck. This is the post-war plane.


- a new plane (*)
- 19 skins (VVS, BVVS, CVL, PWL, ML, JVL, PLAAF)
- decals
- weapons, pilots, sounds
- screens etc.


- original plane A-TEAM / CAPUN (readme, copyright inside)
- skins, decals, inis, srcreens etc. paulopanz


(*) this is not a complete model: you need these files


from the WWII Russian Install here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (You have to be registered to D/L)

Put them inside Pe-2 folder

Then transfer all the files in your mod folder as usual


@ paulopanz




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