About This File
Excerpt from README File:
In this ten-mission pack, you are assigned to VA-86 as an A-7E pilot in Carrier Air Wing EIGHT, in September of 1986. When WWIII begins and the Nimitz battle group begins its fighting withdrawal from Norwegian waters, the two A-7E squadrons are detached temporarily to land bases in Norway to press the fight against the Soviet invaders in the north.
This mission set is designed to coincide with / complement Eburger86’s North Cape campaign. It is essentially the same scenario as the ‘Fighting Withdrawal’ campaign, told a slightly different way, with a twist and a new pack of single player missions designed to have some ‘story continuity’ to them.
Requires Eburger86's North Cape user made campaign mod.
This is actually Part II of a two part release. Like the SW movies, they are being made out of order. :p