About This File
This mod makes the following changes to WOFF BHAHII:
Reduces Forward guns range to 200 meters (from 450m)
Reduces Rear Guns range to 300 meters (from 450m)
Reduces AI shooting range from 450m to 200m
Increases time between unjamming attempts
Required Workshop Settings:
Main Guns = Normal
Rear Guns = Less Accurate
Player Guns = Normal
Files Modified:
WOFFScenery\Difficulty\Hard\playerguns (all gun .xdp files therein)
WOFFScenery\Difficulty\Hard\rearguns (all gun .xdp files therein)
OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields\simulation.xml
***N.B. This mod will break any mod which changes the simulation.xml file.