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USN/USAF Mig Killer Missions #1

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About This File

US Navy/USAF Mig Killer Series Mission #1


18 May 1972 MiG-19 VF-161 F-4B AIM-9 CVA 41 USN LT Henry A. Bartholomay / LT Oran R. Brown

18 May 1972 MiG-19 VF-161 F-4B AIM-9 CVA 41 USN LT Patrick E. Arwood / LT James M. Bell



This mission was made by Saganuay82. Can only be used in WOV. I have included Sundowner's VF-161 skin which needs to go into your F-4B folder. Put the 720518 VF161 vs MiG19.msn into your mission folder. Other than that everything else is in there.


You fly as LT Henry A. Bartholomay so make sure your nose number is 110.


LT Patrick E. Arwood nose number was 105.


Beware of the SAM's, hell the missions isnt easy at all.


You wil be flying MIGCAP for A-7's/ A-6's and other F-4's.


If you like this mission we will do more.



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