About This File
An overhaul of both the Albatros DII late version with the upper wing mounted radiator, and the Oeffag built version, with the Austro Daimler powerplant, and armed with a single Shwarzloze 8mm machine gun, the Oeffag variant is in standard linen over ply for the KuK Luftruppen, then we move on to the D II ( Late ) these include 2 differnt Turkish machines one with an all over Green/Brown Camouflage scheme, and the other in ply and a 2 tone scheme on the upper wings and tail unit, the markings are fictional of course just to give a little visual uplift, as Turkish machines seem to have been very bland, also very few photos of actual Ottoman aircraft either, so of course you can always remove the markings if you wish. Next we have a generic 3 tone Camouflage over medium ply, all these Albatri have again generic personal markings, as they do not represent any particular Jasta. The final one for your enjoyment, is an all over 3 colour Camouflage, very smart looking if you ask me, again the markings are fictional, but all 16 airframes in the " Jasta " have the same stripes, and there are no personal markings ( not every German aircraft did have them anyway )
Anyway, as always, both these Albatri are in plug and play format, unpack, and install, with the usual proviso, that any existing D II ( Late ) and ( OEF ) aircraft you may have WILL be overwritten, so please ensure you do the sensible thing, and back up or rename.
Everything is included for both aircraft, Decals, Guns, Pilots and sounds.
A shout out to Stephen 1918, for his sterling work on the original models, also to Geezer for the pilot models.
As always...............................ENJOY !!!