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Enhanced Red Lightning '79 Campaign

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This expands the 1979 Red Lightning campaign to include:


1.) SPECAT Jaguar for the RAF; you'll need the addon.

2.) F-111A Aardvark for the USAAF You'll need the F-111A Pack. Sadly, the default german map doesn't extend to england, which is where the F-111A was based, so it's not totally realistic.

2.) Adds the VVS, with MiG-23M, MiG-27, MiG-21MF, and Su-7BM

3.) Adds the East German AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM

4.) Adds the Polish AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM

5.) Adds a description of what plane each squadron flies, no more guessing!


I thought about adding carrier operations, but the map was too limited for a carrier, and secondly, the USN in WW3 would be involved with keeping the sea lanes open, and battling the soviets in Norway, to worry about the central front.

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