About This File
French Silver Scheme for Mirage 5D (TW model)
version 0.9
by Gerwin 5-10-2008
WOI includes the Mirage 5D only as an adversary aircraft, Fortunately
this aircraft is almost identical to the Nesher and quite similar to the
Mirage III.
This package includes a French Airforce silver skin for the Mirage 5D,
and also 3 ini files that will make the aircraft Flyable (using the
Nesher cockpit). It will also change the default nationality of the
Mirage 5D to France, which is by default a 'Friendly' nation.
This Silver skin is heavily based on the stock Mirage III silver skin.
The Mirage number style 13-S* is correct, but each last letter is made
up and might not have actually been used. The red overspray near the
intakes is to be adjusted in a final release.
Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains
the Mirage5D files, for example:
When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen.
Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games
Column5.us for their Mirage number decals, which I modified.