About This File
Viggen Pack (JA-37, JA-37 edt33, AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37)
Plane by SFP1 Dev A-Team
Sound by Spillone104
- You MUST HAVE ORIGINAL Viggen, it can be download from Capun site: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (Registation Required)
- copy LOD & Skins form Viggen folder to all package folders, Do not copy anything others.
- Copy weapons & sound
- add ini from weapons.txt to weapondata.ini
- Realistic Radar ranges
- Most Historycal loadout
- AJS-37 & JA-37 Edt33 avionics updated to Avionics70.dll
- Some Sweden weapons added
- Internal Gun removed for AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37, added gunpods
- HUD converted to Metric units.
Info links: http://hem.passagen.se/weasle/eng_index.html
AJ 37 Viggen
Primarily a single-seat ground-attack fighter aircraft, with a secondary fighter role. First delivery in 1971, serial numbers 37001-37108. RM 8A powerplant. PS 37A radar. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to AJS 37.
SH 37 Viggen
Single-seat maritime reconnaissance and strike aircraft, first delivery in 1975, PS-371A radar, serial numbers 37901-37927. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to AJSH 37
JA 37 Jaktviggen
Primarily a single-seat all-weather interceptor fighter, with a secondary attack role. First delivery in 1979, serial numbers 37301-37449. A 10 cm (4in.) stretch of AJ 37 fuselage between canard and main wing. PS 46A LD/SD radar. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to JA 37D.
AJS 37 Viggen
Upgrade of some AJ/SF/SH 37 between 1993 and 1998. Avionics and software upgrade. Decommissioned in 2005.
Weapons included some of them craeted by others models i collected, INI included
Sweden weapons list
RB04 - AntiShip Missile
RB05 - RCG Missile
RBS12 - AGM-119
RBS15 - AntiShip Missile
RB24 - AIM-9B
RB24J - AIM-9J/P
RB27 - AIM-26B
RB28 - AIM-4C/D
RB71 - Skyflash
RB74 - AIM-9L
RB75 - AGM-65A/B
RB75T - heavy version, HE warhead
RB99 - AIM-120B
135mm m/70 RP (6 rockets HE,AP)
BK90 - Cluster bomb
U22, U95 - ECM pods
BOX9(KB) - CM dispenser
RB04, RB05, KB, U22, U95, 135 M70 pod & rockets created by lindr2, Rb04, RB05 texture by Ravenclaw_007, other weapons just collected at one place for EASY USE, i'm so sorry i can't remebers all Autors, but almost is MF & BY weapons, i just add nationally specified data for these weapons.