About This File
Rhodesian Pilot Picture Pack
This adds 35 pictures of pilots of the Rhodesian Air Force to be selected as your pilot's photo.
1. This WILL overwrite the stock pilot photos, so if you would like to keep them, back them up.
(You can also change the filename of the Rhodesian Pilot photos to add them in conjunction)
2. Copy the contents of "Pilot Data" in this rar file to your SF/WO* Install's "PilotData" Folder.
3. Run the game, go to "pilot Data" and select your Rhodesian pilot photo.
If for some unknown reason you want to include any of these in a freeware mod you make, go ahead, you don't even need to give me credit, as all I did
was take some pictures, resize them, convert them to bmp and rename them.
J. Weed
6 MAR 09