About This File
Hello. Here are a bunch of Weapon Editor and misc desktop icons for the Thirdwire Series. Once again these were made from 48X48 bitmap images. There are no text on these this time so that helps with the clutter. They look just fine especially if you're running at a standard desktop resolution such as 1024X768. I don't know how these look on a Vista desktop as I don't have vista. But if Vista makes your icons bigger you'll be just fine. If you run your desktop at a really high resolution then you may have to make some adjustments somewhere. As a result, included also are the 48X48 bitmap images so folks can tweak them to there needs if necessary. Some of the icons include actual images from the TW series. Some of them also came from pictures I found and clip art.
Thank you to cksinfo.com for the free weapons clip art. http://www.cksinfo.com/index2.html
Thanks everybody and I hope you all can get some use out of these.