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Zeppelins Over Paris !

   (1 review)

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Greetings All,


Here is a challenging mission for you to try. A pair of zeppelins are staging a daring dusk raid on Paris. You must scramble your Camels, which are stationed on the northern edge of the city, and climb to intercept the airships before they can reach the Eiffel Tower. But beware, they have waves of escorting Hun fighters tagging along, and despite the help you will receive from the Spad VII's of ESC15 you will still have your hands full. Remember, your primary objective is to destroy the brace of zeppelins before they can reach the Tower. And one more warning, a certain ace from Jasta 37 and his wingman have been reported in the area as well, so watch out. Don't forget to use the Camel's outstanding climbing abilities to stay above the enemy fighters as best you can, and to reach the airships as quickly as possible. And if you are skillful enough to down your targets you will still have to fight your way back home and land safely.


Best of luck!






P.S. You will need the "ZeppelinL30" folder in your "aircraft" folder, and you can download that file from the following link: ZeppelinL30 files




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