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Hi Tiles and patching..Falcon 4 Allied Force

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For those who have gotten the new Hitiles for Falcon 4 Allied Force remember that before you patch use the installer and roll the terrains back to original. If you don't have them check them out Hitiles Here You HAVE to roll back the HiTiles or you will end up reinstalling everything.

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Hey Guys, I have the latest version of F4AF installed and was thinking of getting Hi-tiles. Is Hi-tiles compatible to the new version updates of AF or do you have to re-install fresh every time a new patch is released? Thanks \-_-/

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Hey Guys, I have the latest version of F4AF installed and was thinking of getting Hi-tiles. Is Hi-tiles compatible to the new version updates of AF or do you have to re-install fresh every time a new patch is released? Thanks \-_-/

They are compatable with all versions, and no after you install a patch, just reinstall the terrains, doesn't take long at all.

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where i can get the new Hitiles for Falcon 4 Allied Force ; i see the graphics are not so good in F4AF ; specially explosions and crashes. Also the Flares and Chaffs are so unrealistic !!!! Can anyone get me to better graphics for F4AF ???


Thanks in advace.

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Hi i unstalled falce 4 allied force and it says an error when i delete the files and then i made the files disapear soo that i can reinstall the game buut it wont work it wont let me go through the setup

soo do i have to rebute my computer

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Is their another way i can download the game without having to loose all the games that are on the laptop such as wings and strike fighters and to be able to update without problems

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The games not the problem - it sounds like Allied Force has not been removed properly from your computer which is why you cannot install it anymore - getting another disk or download will not change that - which is why you need to go through the Microsoft article tp remove the offending files. Once done you can reinstall AF.


Where are you getting the idea you will lose your other games - you shouldnt have to uninstall anything else

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Because the only? Way i can reinstall it is if i rebute my computer, i went to ur link u gave me, and i fallowed the steps and nothing happend?

Edited by DEVIL11

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Because the only? Way i can reinstall it is if i rebute my computer, i went to ur link u gave me, and i fallowed the steps and nothing happend?



So the same thing happens when you try to install it?

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try this, go to http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.html download the freeversion of system care. install and update. run it. and then try it. This program has saved me endless hours of headaches. I even upgraded to PRO and love it!:good: good luck and let me know if this helps you.

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I fixed the problem but their is an error message that says error writing to C:\Programs\Files(x86)\Lead Persuit Battle Field Operations\Art\Common\Acicons.Irc. and i clicked retry and nothing

then i go to my programs files and cant find lead persuit anywhere

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Well, two things. One, it says (x86) which means you have 64-bit windows so you have two programs files directories. Next, is that the actual message? Because you wrote C:\Programs\Files(x86) when it SHOULD say C:\Program Files(x86)\ and that slash instead of a space will totally ruin everything.

Beyond that, newer versions of Windows do not like games installed to program files most of the time.


Try making a new directory in C: like C:\Games and then install F4:AF there ie C:\Games\Lead Pursuit\ ...

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