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Is there a program that will allow you to edit aircraft data files, apart from a text editor?

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Not at this time.

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The creation of a realistic FM for SF:P1 is a rather lengthy process.


It involves exhaustive research on the model in question (weights, fuel capacity, stall limits (etc.). Then, one must obtain precise measurements of the aircraft's aerodynamic surfaces (wing span & surface area, root chord, tip chord, reference chord, sweep angle) and then use formulas to calculate values and tables for them. Then you move on to ancillary surfaces & systems: flaps, slats, ailerons, elevators, rudders, landing gear (etc), all which will have an impact on the model's behavior when they're extended or deployed. Next, comes engine thrust values, altitude and thrust tables, fuel burn, etc.


I'd say it probably takes a good 40-120 hours of continuous work to produce a usable FM. And then, the game developer throws a wrench into the works by changing one seemingly obscure value that changes how the game engine interprets your data, and you're suddenly back to square one.


That's also why no one has created a simple editor for SF...yet.

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Thanks for the help anyway. Looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way.

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I thought there was something in the downloads section to edit them though. I forget what its called and if i'm just being insane.

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