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New - Campaign Weapon Availability

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I've done several searches and not found anything useful in it, so I'm asking here.


I downloaded the Vietnam 1984 campaign and find it excellent save for one item - there are weapons that were available in 1984 that are missing and would have been crucial to the proper execution of said operation.


Namely, it's that the AGM-88C HARM is missing for SEAD missions. There are also a few "dubious" inclusions of weapons like the AGM-114 Hellfire (never used on manned aircraft, only on helicopters and UAVs), and the 3000LB Mk118 which was out of service by that time.


So, knowing that the guy who authored the campaign did so on his own time, and I do not wish to ask him to do additional modifications that not everyone would want and that I have the capability of doing myself -


How do I make the modifications? I mainly need to know how to determine what line from the "WeaponData" file in the "WeaponType" line as the rest seems fairly self explanatory.

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You got the weapon editor? That is the best way to do that you want to do.




That is what the editor looks like. Drop tanks dotn have years, but if you were to open another weapon you would see you can edit the wep through that. Also when you get the editor, rigth click on the exe, go to prpertoes and run it in Win98 mode or you cant use it.


The next upgrade of the HARM produced the AGM-88C, which became operational in 1993.


You need to use the HARM A.



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You got the weapon editor? That is the best way to do that you want to do.




That is what the editor looks like. Drop tanks dotn have years, but if you were to open another weapon you would see you can edit the wep through that. Also when you get the editor, rigth click on the exe, go to prpertoes and run it in Win98 mode or you cant use it.


The next upgrade of the HARM produced the AGM-88C, which became operational in 1993.


You need to use the HARM A.





Okay, I didn't see the AGM-88A in the current Weapons Pack, but if it's there I'll put it in instead of the -88C.


As for the Weapons Editor, I have a problem running it. Whenever I try using APCOMPAT (I'm on Win2K Pro SP6, so don't have the XP "compatability" tab) to set it to WIN98 compatability, I get the error -


"MSVCRT.DLL for Win32

Error: MSVCRT.DLL is not compatible with Win32s."


Because of that, after trying to re-install MSVCRT.dll (3 different versions) on many different occasions and getting the same result, I've given up.


Secondly, I'm talking about this section of the WOVCAMPV1_DATA.ini file -


//----- Player Unit







BaseArea=Udorn RTAFB




























I need to know what name I need to use for the "Supply[xxx].Weapon Type=" entry. If I have that, I can make those weapons available and also replace the AGM-114 Hellfire with the AGM-88A (since that's what's available) and add in the other weapons that were available at that time to the supplies available to the squadrons where appropriate.

Edited by CAPFlyer

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Use the weapons "TypeName=M117" from the weapondata.ini. You can open the weapondata.ini with notepad.

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Use the weapons "TypeName=M117" from the weapondata.ini. You can open the weapondata.ini with notepad.


Okay, thank you. That was what I needed to know.


If you have any ideas on how to fix the MSVCRT.DLL issue, I'd love to hear it. I have several programs that won't work because of the issue.

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I've done several searches and not found anything useful in it, so I'm asking here.


I downloaded the Vietnam 1984 campaign and find it excellent save for one item - there are weapons that were available in 1984 that are missing and would have been crucial to the proper execution of said operation.


Namely, it's that the AGM-88C HARM is missing for SEAD missions. There are also a few "dubious" inclusions of weapons like the AGM-114 Hellfire (never used on manned aircraft, only on helicopters and UAVs), and the 3000LB Mk118 which was out of service by that time.

The AGM-88C did not reach service until the early 1990's so as such is not relevant to a 1984 Vietnam mission. In fact the first production AGM-88A missiles were delivered in 1983, and HARM reached IOC (Initial Operational Capability) with the U.S. Navy in 1985, and the USAF in 1987.

Edited by fireengineer

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