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Guest zerocinco

where's the trigger?

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Guest zerocinco

I wish there was a simple way to describe this.


The UH1 (B or H) has two positions on each side. Pod and Gun. With the right Nation assignment, etc. in WeaponsData, one can sometimes get the requested gun to appear. But it won't shoot. Not as primary gun, secondary gun, selected weapon. Nothing.


The picture is a LAU-3 and an M134_MiniGun. Can't get the M27 to show up.


Where in which .INI file is the command that allows a weapon or weapon station to fire?


Or is it something else?


(still love WOV)

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Is the weapon-in-question listed in your gundata.ini? :wink:

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Guest zerocinco

I think so. Like this:



FullName=7.62mm M134 MiniGun


but I admit, just because it's the same gun doesn't mean the computer sees it that way.


And the OH6A has a working M27 but I cannot get it to show up on the Huey.


And how do I get Die Valkyrie to play on the loadup screen? I have a mission called Charlie Don't Surf or Smells Like Victory in the works. Of course, the Player leads a flight of silver F5's dropping napalm.

Edited by zerocinco

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God I love the small of napalm in the morning.

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I think so. Like this:



FullName=7.62mm M134 MiniGun


but I admit, just because it's the same gun doesn't mean the computer sees it that way.


And the OH6A has a working M27 but I cannot get it to show up on the Huey.


And how do I get Die Valkyrie to play on the loadup screen? I have a mission called Charlie Don't Surf or Smells Like Victory in the works. Of course, the Player leads a flight of silver F5's dropping napalm.


Drop your Die Valkyrie wav into your Flight folder...nameing it loading.wav.... :)

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Guest capun

There is another way the Charles did, put the Die Valkyrie.wav in the sound folder, then assign it to the afterburner sound, set the afterburner with the same value as the dry power and whenever you hit the AB throttle, the song will play.


Something like this




AfterburnerSoundName=Die Valkyrie











I'll take a look (if I have time) to see why the M-27 is not showing up, but remember that there are two different things that you need to be aware. The Gundata.ini just describes the gun characteristics, so it is assumes that you have a gun model built-in into the 3D model.


If you do not have a built-in 3D model of the gun, which I assume that is the case with the M-27 in the UH-1, then you need to load it as an external weapon, in this case a gunpod.

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Guest zerocinco

The trick in this mission will be to get the AI wingmen to fly with you and drop the nape on the treeline. Being the fighters, you are the last guy in so you get to watch the fight while on autopilot.


I love the smell of latte in the morning.

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Guest capun

I am using the UH-1Gunship_M21 and I don't see any problems, The default gunpod is the M134 and it fires, I can also load the M27 from the weapons drop down menu and fire it.


I have pics.


So which model are you using?

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Guest zerocinco

I'm using the UH-1B by Capun, MarcFighter, Kesselbut and Pasko. (Rotor turns faster, green skin, ARMY decals...)

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Guest capun
I'm using the UH-1B by Capun, MarcFighter, Kesselbut and Pasko. (Rotor turns faster, green skin, ARMY decals...)



So it looks like you are modifying the data ini files, either post it here or mail it to me so I can take a look at it.


capun1950 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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Guest capun

AFIK the B model does not have pylons in the 3D Model

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AFIK the B model does not have pylons in the 3D Model

must have missed that b4, so that is remedied how?

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Guest capun

There is no real fix until the Gunship version arrives.


You can make it act like it, as long as you can live with the missing pylons.

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There is no real fix until the Gunship version arrives.


You can make it act like it, as long as you can live with the missing pylons.


aww, what the hell, aint lookin at the weps anyways when suppose to be flyin and shootin. Just having a helluva time explaining to Savoy Two-Niner and "Bulldog" whys there no hardpoints for the weps :wacko:


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Guest zerocinco

Actually, I had it working some time ago (without the pylons) but I cannot get back to that configuration.


Weapons give me more fits than anything.


I made some special loadouts so the F4's could carry in the game what they really carried in combat. But sometimes I get MK_82_FE and sometimes I get irritant bombs in their place.

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Guest capun

Don't know what your problem is, Mine are working fine. so it's either something in the helo data ini file of the weapons pack

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