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Ok, I have tried all the options none really work, so what am I doing wrong. I have tried numerous buttons and key strokes but no matter wha,t aircraft are not targeted when I want. Which is the default for targeting aircraft. All I get are ground targets when theres enemy aircraft virtually up my backside and I'm unable to lock them up. mikethemadmonk

Edited by madmonk

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Ok, I have tried all the options none really work, so what am I doing wrong. I have tried numerous buttons and key strokes but no matter wha,t aircraft are not targeted when I want. Which is the default for targeting aircraft. All I get are ground targets when theres enemy aircraft virtually up my backside and I'm unable to lock them up. mikethemadmonk


Shift T will target aircraft, and cycle through them. Shift F8 will give you an external view from your aircraft to the targeted one. Play with those two for now.

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The problem is that the behavior of targeting has changed. You used to be able to target anything detected on radar. i.e. if you had a blip on radar and pressed the 'T' key, you targeted it. However, the new patches with clouds changed the rules. Even though a text message appears like it always did indicating the aircraft that was targeted, it will not actually target the aircraft unless it is within visual range with a valid line of sight. Once targeted, if the aircraft goes outside visual range or the line of sight is blocked (clouds block line of sight!), then you will lose the target.


Visual range seems to be about 6nm. It is easy to test this: acquire an aircraft on radar then lock on to the aircraft. Fly toward the locked aircraft and keep trying to target the aircraft using <CTRL><R> (which targets the acquired aircraft). When you see the target info in the lower right hand corner, check the range.

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