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How do we get rid of all the icons and markers on the cockpit screen display or external view display ?? I can't get rid of the left lower corner data and the direction markers and the radar map when radar is on ... I like to fly with nothing else than cockpit panel ! I see on some screen shots that these icons are not there !

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How do we get rid of all the icons and markers on the cockpit screen display or external view display ?? I can't get rid of the left lower corner data and the direction markers and the radar map when radar is on ... I like to fly with nothing else than cockpit panel ! I see on some screen shots that these icons are not there !


At least some of the things you want can be done via the game GUI, in the 'Gameplay' section. Set Visual Targeting and HUD Display to 'Hard' and that should clear up a lot of the screen clutter.


If that doesn't do everything you want, you might have to consider doing some custom file editing.

Edited by Tristan

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Hi again, Cpt. Scarlet.


There's one thing I should have included in my original post, but didn't.


I run Visual Targeting and HUD Display in 'Normal' mode. I like the icons and flight info, but I don't like the on-screen radar map, so I use a huddata.ini edit to get rid of it.


If, unlike me, you plan to run everything in 'Hard' mode, then a huddata edit is 'not' necessary, as Crusader has pointed out. I'm sorry for any confusion my oversight may have caused.



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