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Guest capun
Ah, O.K., I was told that textures were more of a contributor than polys. A budy of mine had a model that had over 68,000 polys, but with a small texture map, and it ran fine on this game that he had. The triangle count for the F-35 is around 2200 - 2300. I'm at work, so I won't know until I get on my comp at home.



And that is the statement that TK made a while back. The original specs called for a plane model around 6k polys. That was done so low/mid-range systems at the time could run ok, that spec is probably 4 or 5 years old.


The A-1 Skyraider payware is around 40k and it runs good in most mid-range systems. You need to do the flightengine.ini mods to allow the game engine to work w/o CTD's.


TK's comments were that hi-res, specially several, textures had more impact on fps than polys. Look at the problem of flying throug heavy flak smoke (Deuces mods) and you'll see the impact of them on fps.


Note the comment on mid-range systems, that includes the graphics controller. You won't run well with integrated graphics even if your processor is a 3 GHz, nor will it run with a MX-400 card.


So as a rule, our A-Team tries to use no more than 2 texture maps and keeping the resolution to about 1500x1500.

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its true that most effects kill systems quicker then poly's.

The lightning effects that most of the new game engines have are pure performance killers.

Also other effects like particles really kill systems fast.(in woe if i put everything on high and fire the onboard cannon for more then 2 secs i get a slideshow)

Game developers mostly make lower poly models because of the amount of them on the screen, in a flightsim u wont see (well most of the time) hunderds of the same object at the same time.

So people make high poly models to increase the amount of detail of the model(i dont mind that at all tbh).

But as an example i take gta:sa i installed a custom model that was about 60.k of poly's, 1 of them on the screen no problem but as more and more of them come in screen the gpu has to do alot of calculations.

Ofcourse this also depends on the system u have.

I have an old crappy system so it wont handle that much poly's that easy, but the new generation of video cards can handle it with ease.

id say go on with the model and dont mind me (im just annoyed that i dont got enough money for a new system XD)

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