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Jizm Pops

Need Help W/SFP1E

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I've started to download planes and carriers and things and i noticed that i needed to extract certain .ini files from .cat files. I downloaded SFP1E v. 6, and it couldn't install all the way. (if it was a download issue, then i'm screwed because all other links do not work for me ((error 404)) )

The install got to the point of registering fonts and stopped responding. If anyone could help that'd be great.

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i wish I could help but I had the same issue. Then on day it just worked. Weird.

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Perhaps download again Mybe original download got corrupted.

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I've downloaded and redownloaded like 20 times. It's fine though because i've found gundata.ini and weapondata.ini in strange and foreign folders. That's good enough for me. :P

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there is a link here somewhere I saw it or go directly to third wire.I think they have that extractor tool.I got it recently too and i use it.Good luck.

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I've started to download planes and carriers and things and i noticed that i needed to extract certain .ini files from .cat files. I downloaded SFP1E v. 6, and it couldn't install all the way. (if it was a download issue, then i'm screwed because all other links do not work for me ((error 404)) )

The install got to the point of registering fonts and stopped responding. If anyone could help that'd be great.








Try this: Place SFP1E's executable file (.exe), in your Windows/System32 folder, and create a shortcut to the desktop for it. Then either logoff/logon to Windows again, or restart your computer, and then try opening up a .Cat file.




I've found that little trick to work more often then not.

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