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Quicker Take Offs for Strike Fighters/WOV

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Quicker Take Offs for Strike Fighters/WOV



[includes fixes to airfield lighting. Fixes done by "Piett", "Sidewinder86", "Eightlein", "Comrpnt", and a few by myself.]

This mod should decrease the time required to get aircraft airborne by at least 50%. The mod involves putting 2 aircraft on the runway at the same time as well as tightening the spaceing on the next few aircraft on the taxiway. Third Wires aircraft are quite well behaved when taxiing under AI but some add on aircraft tend to bounce a lot and others don't like to turn. I used 2 "bouncers" in the test program and it took lots of adjustments on the taxi waypoints to get them to work. I think this mod should work OK with most aircraft but can't guarantee it. If you have large bombers installed in your game there is an optional file available for the large airport. It has increased spaceing for the taxi waypoints but is still quicker than the stock version. It was tested with the TU-16 Badger and the B-47. This mod works OK with the DRV terrain and probably many others. To use this mod in WOV just change the file names from DESERT_AIRFIELD"X" to VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD"X" and copy them into the WOV terrain folder. Regards.


CHANGES FOR VER 2.1 : Now includes "Comprnt's" fixes for the missing taxiway lighting on the big airport.


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This mod is great. I don't have to circle the airfield anymore waiting for everyone to take off. Thanks very much.

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So what do I change the file name to if I want to use it in WOE? Is it EUROPE_AIRFIELD"X" or something else?



Edited by serverandenforcer

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I just want to add that the mod works fine in both v. 1.5 and v. 2 of Gepard's 'Israel' terrain.

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