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Engine sound for Vark's F-111 Package

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I downloaded Vark's F-111 Package and it did not come with engine/ab sound file. How can I get this file? I'm new to message boards/forums, but not new to flight sims. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I'm guessing that the F-111s have data entries that allow them to use the stock engine sound file, so there wouldn't be any need to include another sound file with the F-111 package.

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THe F-111 sound is assoicated with the F-14 tomcat package that is out here on the download pages here. So if you are interested you could download the F-14 and then copy the sound files from that package over to the F-111. Or you can head to the knowledge base here and look at the entry on how to modifiy data ini's and just reassoicate the F-111 with the stock sounds

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I downloaded Vark's F-111 Package and it did not come with engine/ab sound file. How can I get this file? I'm new to message boards/forums, but not new to flight sims. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.





If you reread the post you will see..

"F-111 Package by Team Vark


USAFMTL, Wpnssgt, Sundowner, Hackworth and crew. You must have the F-14A installed to get the engine sounds for this."

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If you reread the post you will see..

"F-111 Package by Team Vark


USAFMTL, Wpnssgt, Sundowner, Hackworth and crew. You must have the F-14A installed to get the engine sounds for this."



I do have the F-14a add-on a/c installed. I just have to read the Knowledge base to find out how to modify the data .ini file. I'm new to these kind of file mods.

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If you the F-14A installed and the F-111A they sounds are slaved to the F-14A sounds.

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