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An idea for a career change for Baghdad Bob.....

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The following is an excerpt from a Knoxville, TN newspaper column by Sam Venable. He was making suggestion s for "Baghdad Bob", if he were to come to the US to find a job, since he won't have one now in Iraq:


"For starters, he'd be a dream come true for sleazy car dealers.


Imagine al-Sahhaf's talents applied to, say, a '76 Pinto with 181,000 miles on the odometer, sitting on cinder blocks, engine missing, undercarriage rusted out, various transmission parts piled up in the front seat, a layer of kudzu over the hood, plus a 20-foot mimosa growing through a hole in the windshield:


An automotive classic! Mint condition, just like it rolled off the assembly line! This is a $150,000 value, but the first person who shows up at Honest Mohammed's Auto Sales with $80,000 in cash drives home in this cream puff!"


Al-Sahhaf could make millions touting cheeseburgers as health food, swampland as primo real estate and cigarettes as the cure for heart and lung ailments."



I love it.


Chief W.

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enuff said....hehe

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Yeah I thought it was pretty funny when he said Americans were commiting suicide at the city limits of Baghdad. The American troops were two blocks away and when the reporter told the American Commander what the Info Officer said the Commander replied: " Well, I think we need to go across the street and introduce ourselves." LOL

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