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Anyone ever stumble across this...?

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So I was playing around with my old school Aussie Navy Scooters the other night when I got jumped by some J-7s. Not realising i hadn't switched to AAMs, I hit fire anyways and something odd happened... I didn't get sequence shots at the time, only just before i killed it:





I recreated the situation against another set of foes, but they turned out to be Scrapper's bloody Mig-29OVTs who promptly shot me down. I have a very bad record against them... :blush2:






directly after this last shot, I was killed by the plane pictured, bastard!! :threaten:


Now I wasn't using modded weapons (this being the standard GBU-12E), the only altered ones I have are AAMs. The odd thing was that in the first two photos, the bomb almost overshot the J-7, swung around and flew right up it's tailpipe. I thought maybe I should lay off the :drag: but I quit smoking a while ago...

Edited by SayWhat?!

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I found this out also. If the bomb misses the target, it will just swing around and continue trying to hit it.

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I have never seen that in all my days. Makes for some funny stories though.

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If it had a proximity fuse, it could have taken it, it's wingman, and possibly YOU with the frag! :lol:


I have never seen the like either, even though I have inadvertently pickled the wrong muni on occasion...

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I remember I used to use HARMS as A2A missles in A-10 Attack, so long ago. Great find, have to try it myself.

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I remember I used to use HARMS as A2A missles in A-10 Attack, so long ago. Great find, have to try it myself.


I remember that as well. If the Migs radar got picked up on your RWR, you can fire a HARM at it. They wouldn't realise until it was too late... :lol:

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I was doing an intercept the other day, and the Badgers I was intercepting were so tightly packed, I nailed about three of them at once... :haha:


Love the idea of the HARM AAM thought, gonna have to give it a go :tongue:

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Bravo Zulu Mate!

Can you show me how to shoot down a MIG-21 with a Cluster bomb dropped from an A1-H Skyraider?

Seriously tho excellent screenshots of "what the foxtrot !" :ph34r: CL



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