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Can't get Super Etendard to work... grrr..

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I downloaded the Super Etendard by capun and installed it according to the directions..I think :)


I extracted the files into a folder called SEtendard in the objects\aircraft folder with all the other planes I've added.. I moved the weapons fiels to the weapons folder, and I added the weapons to the Weaponsdata.ini as well as edited the older AM-39 to the MM-39 per instructions.. The plane shows up in th emission builder but missions with it cannot be saved and it does not show up in the Single mission maker...


Any ideas?

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mmm...check if you installed the Entendard folder in an extra Entendard subfolder. You don't want that. No way no.


C:\SF\Objects\Aircraft\SEntendard\SEntendard .... this is bad ... subfolder


This is why I always unzip into a download folder outside the game install, and copy the often made subfolder into the aircraft folder

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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I hade the same probleme with other planes.

I made the same way as Lexx_Luthor.

I unzip or install everithing in an extra download folder, then i copy al files per hand in my Strike Fighters folder.

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Hello, I am called Ezequiel, I been new in this page, I saw that they were speaking on the problem with super etendard, to my passes something to me similar, is that weapons.ini does not appear to me the Weapons folder nor the file, as is my problem. :dntknw:


Thanks, Eze.

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Gentlemen, if I can perhaps direct your attention to the Wonderful World of the CombatAce Knowledge Base???


I think you'll find this little tutorial most imformative....


Adding Weapons: A Basic Turorial <--Click Me!! I'm a Link to Wonders Beyond Imagining!!!




kevin stein

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Guest Saganuay82

BLT school of spelling.

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For our friends having problems with the Etendard, you might also want to have a look in the 'Editing Loadouts Thread" that I maintian, as there's a post relevant to the Super E:


Super Etendard Loadout Tweeks


Well, yeah! Another fine example from Los Angeles Unified Skool District :blush:


But at least I can get weapons to work!!! :tongue:



kevin stein


ps: I thought Fubar was The Official CombatAce Spell Checker???

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Guest Saganuay82

No I just saw it and was reading a post from BLT earlier.

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