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DH Venom Update

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DH Venom Update

This pak updates the existing Venom FB Mk.4 to the latest patch standards. I've adjusted the decal positions, level numbers, and created a full pak of serial numbers. -- this is NOT a new skin; it re-uses the original bmps, just a tweek of the existing one. New damage tgas are also included.


This pak also includes updated data and loadout inis to add the missing drop tanks. All weapons loads are UK nation specific, as per the latest weapons pak. -- you MUST have the latest Weapons Pak installed for use the the weapons listed.


Also included is a mod of Kesselbrut's Spitfire cockpit, as this has a nice 'British' feel to it. Several of the gauges have been relabeled for jet use. Cockpit ini is included. (this cockpit is also used on my WW2 Vampire mod) -note: this pit is NOT 100% historically accurate, but is a 'best fit' for the aircraft. Gunsight mods have been included.


PLEASE -- READ THE ENCLOSED README for full instructions and notes!!!! -- PLEASE!!


Good Hunting & Happy Landings !



Kevin Stein


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Oh hell!! I forgot to add it....double damn!!


I'll get it updated, with the pit and re-uploaded ASAP.


That's just me being stupid, for assembling it so late at night...




Kevin Stein


ps: you could use the spit pit, if the venom_cockpit ini is in the zip, but you won't hav the relabeled gauges or the new pin up picture


pps: new version uploaded, with all the stuff

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks, but it's Kesselbrut's pit. He deserves ALL the credit.

I just had the brainstorm to relable 2 gauges/switches, and use it for a stand-in early jet pit.


And don't forget to thank Pakso, wherever he is, for the airplane itself


I'm just "The Assembler" :biggrin:



Kevin Stein

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Thanks for all the work on the Venom update and new cockpit. Used the Meteor pit prior to your new adapted Spitfire cockpit, and really like the new one much better!


If you use your hat switch to look all the way back and down to both the left and right sides, you'll end up looking through the wing roots at your rockets and the ground. In the Venom_Cockpit.INI file changing Position=0.0,1.65, 0.70 to Position=0.0,1.65, 0.925 will fix it!




Wrench, how do I get the Mig-28MF Top Gun pilot skin to show in my Red Air planes? All your other pilot skin packages have always worked like a champ, but no luck getting the Mig-28MF pilot to show!

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