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Hi guys, just DL the falklands campaign for SFG, and the escort ships surrounding the Hermes and Invincible are all bad guys!

Anyone else encountered this?


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Hi guys, just DL the falklands campaign for SFG, and the escort ships surrounding the Hermes and Invincible are all bad guys!

Anyone else encountered this?




There's a line in the targets.ini that denotes whether a target area is Friendly, or Enemy. Find that target area where the Hermes and her escorts are and change it from Enemy to Friendly. I haven't downloaded this mod, but I'm betting that that's the issue your having. The targets.ini should be in the Falklands subfolder of the terrain folder. Hope this helps.

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Also, if during a campaign, if the frontline moves, you'll get bad guys behind the frontline no matter if detonated friendly or enemy in the terrain_ targets.ini. Try adjusting the date of the campaign earlier in the campaign_data.ini

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There's a line in the targets.ini that denotes whether a target area is Friendly, or Enemy.


Its already marked as friendly and they still come up as enemys. I wish it was that simple, i have encountered this problem before with the updated BS campaign, but solved that problem by moving Alpha and Bravo station away from the coastline.

This solution didn't work for Falklands, so i was wondering if i could make an area for these guys to sit in.

And i'll try changing the date and get back to ya.


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