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Few quick questions...

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Hi all,


Like most of the combat flight sim community in the world I've been following this game for a while. So I've scratched my head and come up with a few questions which were'nt completely answer in previous posts if mentioned.


How customisable will the player/character/pilot be?

-- It was mentioned about leaving the canopy TGA open for people to adjust the 'tint' of the canopy. Will it be the same for the pilots helmet and/or gear (hi res/low res) or even possibly easily repainted planes etc etc


Is there a final decision on the multiplayer game modes?

-- I read somewhere there was possibly a campaign much like Falcon4:AF but it was'nt confirmed(I think). Will we get the usual Dogfight, Team dogfight, CO-OP single/campaign?


Will it be easy for the community to make mods?





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Hi all,

Like most of the combat flight sim community in the world I've been following this game for a while. So I've scratched my head and come up with a few questions which were'nt completely answer in previous posts if mentioned.

How customisable will the player/character/pilot be?

-- It was mentioned about leaving the canopy TGA open for people to adjust the 'tint' of the canopy. Will it be the same for the pilots helmet and/or gear (hi res/low res) or even possibly easily repainted planes etc etc


Yes, we can leave also the pilot character textures open for adjust too. Probably planes too. But check last answer I´ll describe this in more detail.



Is there a final decision on the multiplayer game modes?

-- I read somewhere there was possibly a campaign much like Falcon4:AF but it was'nt confirmed(I think). Will we get the usual Dogfight, Team dogfight, CO-OP single/campaign?

The campaign is our biggest long term worry. It should be heavily AI based so it generates believable frontline movements and engagements. Falklands/Malvinas is an ideal testbed to try such type of campaign, as there´s a fixed and obvious territorial goal, a defensive and an offensive army. Yes, with a solid campaign mode in place, we will have also COOP modes as well. Dogfight and Team Dogfight are simple head-to-head multiplayer modes.


Will it be easy for the community to make mods?


Yup, but probably a data extraction will be needed as the data will be packed in a single datapack as its industry standard to do so.





np, buddy! :)

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thanks for the fast reply, but I've got a few more questions to twist your brain :slow:


Will it include a carrier take-off and landing in MP games(not just the co-op campaign)? There was talk about a free fligt mode but to my knowledge still not confirmed, can you let us know?


Will the engine allow support for more up to date planes as far as flight models/speed and up to date missiles made by modders or an up to date expansion made by the dev team (Gulf war? or some fictional event?). I'm looking forward to the falklands but and easily or highly moddable game = much interest and playablilty and a good long life :fans: I, as im sure many others, hate when a good game comes out but the community does'nt seem to stay with if after the honeymoon period because it's very restrictive.


Will the training missions be voiced over or text prompts? Or will it be like Falcon4:AF (step by step in the manual but the actual training mission nothing but silence, not even text prompts)?


thanks again


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Forgot to ask also, will there be radio chatter?


I mean will it be like "Missile Launch" "Bandit on your 6" Just basic chatter


or abit more like listening to AWACS getting reports of planes, AWACS talking to your flight without having to be prompted, maybe some ship to flight contact, some less formal chatter like "Woohoo I got him, he's going down in flames" as opposed to "bandit down"

Edited by Preacher

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hey sorry again but my edit button does'nt seem to be working properly...


Will we be able to hear 'our' / the pilot breathing? I hear it sometimes in WOE, and I must say its a nice touch.



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hey sorry again but my edit button does'nt seem to be working properly...


Will we be able to hear 'our' / the pilot breathing? I hear it sometimes in WOE, and I must say its a nice touch.





Yup, there'll be radio chatter of course, although no AWACs in this war, instead we have several warships providing radar duties for the Task Force, or FAA radar Malvinas for the argentinean side which provided radar duties for argentine aircrafts until the last day of the war.


Indeed, the pilot breathing, specially in high-G maneuvers, is a nice touch in any combat flight sim and we'll try to include it.

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heavy breathing = easy. the cockpit control script basing it on the acceleration and a sort of engine noise - were volume is dependent on sustained g.

Edited by gordon bennet

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I really think that modding is quite a disrespect for the game. Allowing people to add their not standard designs will only lead to a non serius game. Also, the flight behavior of a plane still remains like the original one, so you will be able to make an F-16 that flies as a Mirage and with a harrier cockpit... Don´t you modders like realistic simulation? Look at Lock on, it remains as a spectacular flight modeling research and achievement... (although i know there are some deviations going around). Who in this place likes Wings over vietnam? Just an arcade not a simulator, planes do not stall (what the f**ck) ohh come on we want realistic and sober simulation!!!


I agree with you about a Gulf war game with this engine, but.... every flyable plane should have it´s own realistic flight behavior, own avionics, own radar with its own specific characteristics, etc. The new game should be available after a huge research and work... not by just painting an aircraft you will get a good simulator.


Please Dante restrict this game as more as can, to keep the respect on this war and on your own work. I know you can give these guys new war environments an planes in the future, but dont let everybody touch an mix up your creation. You´ll keep this way standard versions and updates, and compatibility on online gaming will be a fact not a problem.

Edited by A4-AR

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Please Dante restrict this game as more as can, to keep the respect on this war and on your own work. I know you can give these guys new war environments an planes in the future, but dont let everybody touch an mix up your creation. You´ll keep this way standard versions and updates, and compatibility on online gaming will be a fact not a problem.


I see it's a 50/50 divided community, half wanting modding, the other half against it. One good argument from the against-modding crowd is that it disrupts online play. It's a polemical chapter. As I said in previous post in this thread, textures and alpha values in canopy transparencies are easily moddable in JT now, just need Photoshop and a basic knowledge of how it works - they're TGA.

Edited by Dante-JT

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just a thought, i don't think any of the heavily moustached RN and RAF pilots in 1982 would ever have said



"Woohoo I got him, he's going down in flames"



aside from that, i fell over this game whilst searching for harrier hud footage for a demo for a harrier game I have been trying to create for a couple of years - looks awesome, and it's about time we had a fully flyable harrier in a flight sim, and it's nice to see a combat flight sim that isn't biased towards the USA. (booo)


I remember the Falklands war, and as previous posters have said its almost our (UK's) forgotten war, so it's good to see a great team take a great looking engine and make a tribute to the aviators of this conflict - both sides!


although I can see some interesting MP situations where you'll have Mirages,Super E's, and Skyhawks piloted by South American/French/Spanish players flying online against uk flyers in harriers...


keep it on, will gladly pay hard cash for this game. As for the modding, if the flight engine plays as well as it looks in the videos, i reckon you could sell the engine and flight model and then we could all make our own little wars...


one last question, (and apologies to preacher for the hijacked thread) is there much left to do now? can we have more videos?


Oh yes, one last thing, the screenshot of the Vulcan is asolutely beautiful - even if you never release a final game, it's worth it for that. exquisite.

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Basically, if YOU have the resources to endlessly add new flyable aircraft, like Maddox Games in Russia offering addons with dozens of flyable cockpits, then you don't need to open aircraft to modding. Otherwise, its not a bad idea. The rather limited planeset of the Falklands seems ideal for a good start with not too many flyable aircraft needed, but if the terrain/weapons are open to modding, other theaters present themselves, if not to you, then to the 3rd Party modders. Can you make almost any aircraft desired? If not, the 3rd Parties can.



Who in this place likes Wings over vietnam? Just an arcade not a simulator, planes do not stall (what the f**ck) ohh come on we want realistic and sober simulation!!!

Dante, please note that those opposed to open modding and accuse others of "arcade"are very hostile and bitter Old Timer computer gamers that do not represent a reliable customer base for any business, except *possibly* under an online Pay-To-Play business model. Its not "50/50" for/against open modding, as the majority of future potential customers, assuming market success, will not be hostile angry Old Timer computer gamers, but silent customers. Always ignore hostile computer gamers that insult the combat flight sim community and that insult your paying customers. Always. Many businesses have Bouncers that protect the majority of customers from the hostility and insults of an angry few.


The StrikeFighters/Wings Over Vietnam series aircraft can stall, as well as fully model the entire flight envelope, but its up to the "hardcore" FM modder who has the time and skills. The developer decided not to include stalls, and I can agree, given the one-man team developing that sim series.


Boopidoo's Su-15 with cockpit is perhaps the greatest 3rd Party aircraft modding advance in the SF/WoV series.


Su-15 ~> http://www.aerospace.boopidoo.com/ Finally, a real Sukhoi in a combat flight sim. :good:


Would an established sim developer ever consider creating classic Soviet PVO interceptors or USAF Air Defence Command interceptors?

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Basically, if YOU have the resources to endlessly add new flyable aircraft, like Maddox Games in Russia offering addons with dozens of flyable cockpits, then you don't need to open aircraft to modding.


It is good isn't? Maddox Games have so many approved modders that we can call them open for modding nowadays. :)



Otherwise, its not a bad idea. The rather limited planeset of the Falklands seems ideal for a good start with not too many flyable aircraft needed, but if the terrain/weapons are open to modding, other theaters present themselves, if not to you, then to the 3rd Party modders. Can you make almost any aircraft desired? If not, the 3rd Parties can.
I consider an approved third party to do the Vulcan and MB-339 flyable addons later when it'll be fit.



Dante, please note that those opposed to open modding and accuse others of "arcade"are very hostile and bitter Old Timer computer gamers that do not represent a reliable customer base for any business, except *possibly* under an online Pay-To-Play business model. Its not "50/50" for/against open modding, as the majority of future potential customers, assuming market success, will not be hostile angry Old Timer computer gamers, but silent customers. Always ignore hostile computer gamers that insult the combat flight sim community and that insult your paying customers. Always. Many businesses have Bouncers that protect the majority of customers from the hostility and insults of an angry few.


heh. What are these Bouncers? Indeed I'd like them protecting our customers from a minority of angry bitter old timers.


The StrikeFighters/Wings Over Vietnam series aircraft can stall, as well as fully model the entire flight envelope, but its up to the "hardcore" FM modder who has the time and skills. The developer decided not to include stalls, and I can agree, given the one-man team developing that sim series.
Yes, the StrikeFighters/Wings Over product series are fantastic achievements for the one man development team. One man, tight schedules and VERY small budget, to add to the difficulties. All this should be put in perspective too.


Boopidoo's Su-15 with cockpit is perhaps the greatest 3rd Party aircraft modding advance in the SF/WoV series.

Su-15 ~> http://www.aerospace.boopidoo.com/ Finally, a real Sukhoi in a combat flight sim. :good:

Would an established sim developer ever consider creating classic Soviet PVO interceptors?


You got a point in this case in favour of modding, there are kinds of situations and planes that would probably never be created and included in a stock flight sim and would be possible only through modding - for example, would a established dev studio attempt to raise funding for an A-26 Bay of Pigs Invasion flight sim? Only through modding (there's one for TK series here for download in Combatace!)

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