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Quick smoke stack fixes for Israel 2 terrain -->

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Dosen't matter which version you're using (SF, WoV or WoE).

Open your "Isreal 2_Types.ini" and scroll down till you find the following targets:



TargetType80 , (Heizwerk). Add this to the bottom of the description:






TargetType90 (schornstein) smokestack 50 (meters in height?)





TargetType91 (schornstein2) smokestack 72 (meters n height?)





Still trying to figure out the name of the red painted factory/work hall., and the other factory. The other 'concrete' looking one should use the same as the 'heizewerk', but with the first number reversed. Once I figure out it's name, I'll try to dial in the smoke stack effect


This is the BEST terrain so far...Gepard, you have my thanks and congratulations [although maybe a few vehicle depots would look nice :) ]



Kevin Stein

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I agree; I love this terrain.

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Thankyou Wrench.

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