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What to see in London

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It looks like my wife and I will be taking a short trip to London in the spring to visit a friend (can't say no to a free place to stay and airfare).


Anyway, well be there about a week and will do the major tourist stuff. But I was wondering if there were any natives who could give me an idea on something we should see/ do that only the locals really know about and most tourists miss. You know, the whole "get the true flavor of the place" kind of thing.

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If you get a chance go and due the Imperial War Muesum in London there are some really good exhbits on display there. Linky

I would also recommend that a couple of the stores in Heathrow are flight sim specific shops, where you can stock up on all you want on MSFS add-ons or other flight sims, even some hardware gear (like the radio stack from Goflight.).


If you get the chance take the train over to Portsmouth (it is about a 4hr train and round trip tickets set me back in '05 about 40 pounds) and go and see the Naval Base and the muesum on the base along with HMS Victory. Then in town there is D-Day muesum which is totally awesome because it tells of that week from the the British side. On top of that there is an room in the muesum, which has a mural which is set that as you walk in the room above you is drawings of Lancasters and C-47's towing gliders, behind you is a picture of the fleet then on the walls laied out as best as possible (in geographic setup) is the Gold, Juno, Sword, Omaha, and Utah beaches.


Then there is Isle of Wright with Queen Victoria's Resort home. What amazed me was to be walking the grounds that Queen Victoria, her nephew Kasier Wilhelm II, and some of her other children.

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Well you gotta take a trip to the East End and do a couple of things,1)stop by Upton Park(home to West Ham United) and take the tour,If you ride the tube, turn right out of the tube station and just opposite is 'Duncans Pie n Mash' which brings us to 2) be sure to stop and have a pint and pie and mash,with green sauce and loads of vinegar(malted of course).


I'm heading that way in Aug. to meet up with a bunch of West Ham fans that I've come to know through the net,and while the shopping is nice nothing beats the match day experience.If you go while the season is going on check out a match,I believe theres about 4 teams that play in London,but I recommend West Ham,the best fans in the world,and the best food in the premierleague

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It looks like my wife and I will be taking a short trip to London in the spring to visit a friend (can't say no to a free place to stay and airfare).


Anyway, well be there about a week and will do the major tourist stuff. But I was wondering if there were any natives who could give me an idea on something we should see/ do that only the locals really know about and most tourists miss. You know, the whole "get the true flavor of the place" kind of thing.

Well I guess if you only have a one week stay you will only have time to do the 'major tourist' stuff around London. If you want to find out what the average English bloke does when he's free from work (and wife and kids if he's not single) then ask your friends to take you down to the local pub one night and depending where that is you will savour some idea of the English way of life (possibly good and bad). Of course there's always the 'footy' if you have time to see a match.


Whatever you do have a splendid time and I can only trust my countrymen will leave you with a lasting good impression.


Have fun!

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I strongly recommend the RAF Museum at Hendon but your wife may not be as enthused so try & take in a theatre show.


Btw, I feel for you if the exchange rate stays like this - London prices & nearly $2 to the £1, ouch!

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I strongly recommend the RAF Museum at Hendon but your wife may not be as enthused so try & take in a theatre show.


Btw, I feel for you if the exchange rate stays like this - London prices & nearly $2 to the £1, ouch!


I know the exchange rate will be a killer, but at least we won't be paying for hotel/airfare. I've wanted to visit England for years, so my wife is willing to let me plan our sightseeing since she doens't really care one way or the other.

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With regards to the exchange rate. Use your ATM or your Credit Cards to buy things, that will give you the best rate for the day. The Exchange centers and some banks will actually have a preset exchange rate for the week and every day it might very. I used to use my ATM to get actual spending cash from various ATMs in the city. A couple banks whose ATMs worked with my card was Barclay's and I want to say HSBC. Just look at the back of your card and the little symbols on it for the various banking networks linke INTERLINK, CO-OP Network, or PLUS.

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