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Some shots from the USS Midway

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I finally got around to adding the pics from my trips to San Diego last Nov. and Dec. Here's a few...

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Here's some more along with a couple from HCS-5's Dis-establishment ceremony. The long shot is the Nimitz and Reagan tied up at NAS North Island.

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Thank you for the pics man. Its always sad when a squadron shuts down. All the history goes away.....

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Thanks for the pics firehawk. Ya made me start missing San Diego again... :cray: My wife and I visited the Midway just before we left. Listened to one of the tour guides telling about when he was on her at the close of Vietnam all the refugees crammed aboard, some coming in choppers grossly overloaded. Stories like that really brought the old boat to life again. Makes me miss the Indy and being in the Navy and being 25 again, and no arthritis, and still had hair, and...and...ok, Ill stop...

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Guest 531_Ghost

Nice pix there Firehawkordy! Been there a few times myself and always had a good time. Did ya get a chance to visit the flight simulators? The F4 cockpit simulators are the ones that were used at MCAS El Toro, many years ago. Ones I used to fly in at least twice a week. I'm gonna miss visiting HCS 5 good bunch of guys/gals. Firehawkordy, is there a Chief Link in this picture? Sorry my tired ol' eyeballs can't pick 'er out. I just happen to work for the same command she does. USAFMTL, you are so right, when a squadron "shuts down" the only ones to keep the memories alive are those that were in the squadron and maintain ties to those (thru organizations) they may have served with. My first Officer In Charge in VMFA 531, is now a Major General. We're gettin' old...

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Ghost, I got a chance to fly both the F-4 and F-8 sims. Paid for an hour and wound up flying for 90 minutes. The retired Cdr that was running the sims was a China Lake alumnus and served with my best friend over there and knew me through Charlie and my reputation, though I'm not sure which rep . I assume it wasn't the good one as he had me shooting Case 1 through 3 approaches on the boat. Later found out that my friends there were giving suggestions on what to throw at me. If anyone gets the chance to play with those simulators, take it it's worth the money.


As For Chief Link, I'm not sure. I know I've heard the name but can't pace her face. I'll see if she's in the dis-establishment program.


One more thing about the DeCom weekend, The Squadron had a get together onboard the Midway the Friday evening prior to the ceremony. Along with seeing old friends we were honored with the company of former HA(L)-3 and HC-7 members. To talk to those men and their families, to hear how Navy CSAR and Special Warfare started out by the men who actually wrote the book was humbling.


More pics of the HCS-5 weekend are here...


Edited by 531_Ghost
he's a she ;-)

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