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Knights Over Europe WWI Sim Announced!

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This comes from: Worthplaying


"Aspect Simulations announces the development of their World War I combat flight simulation, KNIGHTS OVER EUROPE. Brought to you by a team whose collective experience includes Red Baron II, the Falcon 3 series, the Close Combat series and Fly II, KNIGHTS OVER EUROPE brings the dawn of aerial combat up-to-date with leading edge graphics, high fidelity flight models and precision damage modeling. Dozens of highly detailed aircraft with historically accurate markings will set the stage for an experience that will attract both hard-core flightsim fans and novices alike. Read more for details and screens


Take to the skies in any one of over a dozen painstakingly detailed aircraft. With leading-edge graphics, high-fidelity flight models, in-your-face action, realistic tactics and endless depth of play, you won't be left wanting. Whether rushing toward the earth on an attack run, weaving through the sky during a dogfight, or ducking between the clouds on a reconnaissance mission, you'll have to continually remind yourself that you're fighting from the safety of your own home.


Features :


Ultra-realistic Flight Models

Dozens of Flyable Aircraft

Cutting-edge Damage Modeling

High_Resolution Terrain

Advanced 3D Graphics Engine


Take pleasure in slicing away at your enemy in a classic dogfight or blowing your opponent to bits in a full-throttle zoom attack. Either way you'll never cripple an enemy the same way twice. Thrill as you watch individually tracked bullets punch precise holes into your prey. Savor the pain of your enemy as holes develop into tears handicapping their aircraft. Relish the moment of victory as you continue to hammer them; splaying chunks of wood and fabric into the air, as their airplane disintegrates around them or bursts into flames. But beware of flying debris, lest you fall victim to your own handy work!


If you've been longing for a truly thrilling air combat experience, then you've been waiting for "Knights Over Europe". Take a break from the complex cockpits of today and do some serious stick and rudder work in the deadly skies of World War I."



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Finally! After all this time, I can fly a Dr.1 or D.VII again

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I wonder what the campaign will be like. Red Baron II will be hard to top.

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Thanks for the heads-up, this is definitely frontpage-worthy.

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Man, I couldn't find anything on Google. I'll add that to the article...

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I've already e-mailed the producer thanking him and asking if we can get some sort of community forum set up for their title to allow us WWI simmers to share our views, hopes, wishes and insight about this new WWI sim title. Ive also spread the news about this title across the web and Ive mailed SimHQ news and sim-news about it. I was about to e-mail you guys but you saw the post first. :)

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Hell, I'll be more than happy to fire up a forum for it. We haven't had a good WWI sim in ages!

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Man that's the truth... I'm counting on Dawn of Aces 3, Wings with Wires: Birds of Prey, IL-2 FB: WWI, and of course I've got a WWI sim mod going for Fighter Squadron... Red Baron 3d has great mods and campaigns, but its showing its age. (I still fly her however) There are also a few arcade WWI flight games out. But man, I need some new WWI hard-core action! :D

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I haven't checked on the Wings with Wires project lately, I think I'll jump over there and see what's up...


As for a WWI Forum, I'm gonna throw one up tonight. There are enough projects in the works out there that we should have a dedicated forum for them now.

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Welcome to the new forum! =)

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