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Any terrains with lots of canyons and mountains?

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I haven't come across anything that equals to LockOn for canyon shoots.


There is a terrain at Major Lee's Aerodrome that has some deep canyons though - EastWestAmerican or something.

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It's called the American North West, and, yes, it's at Major Lee's.

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All 3 of the AmericaNorthWest (summer, winter, spring), the new full scale Korea, even the older Iran/Irag has some pretty good mountain areas



Kevin Stein


note to self: finish adding factory place and truck depot to ANWs

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Major Lee's Aerodome


AmericaNW and Korea can be found there. Several others are found here at combatace in the download section, specifically Iran-Iraq is found in the campaigns under the Iran-Iraq campaign. But they need updating I think.

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