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Ok I have a question about GPS guided munitions and how it applies to weapon racks, the choices for the type of rack are











Now my question is, which one does GPS guided munitions apply to? I am trying to make a dual ejector rack for GBU-38, WCMD's, and eventually 1000lb class JDAM's. I would also like to make a quad rack for the SDB's.


PS on a side note, what happened to Bunyap's site???





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LGB, currently the JDAMs are treated like LGBs in WOE purposes for use, so to use them you'll need a targeting pod too (Lightning, etc.)

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So from talking with Flanker562, and doing some further testing I think the problem is that JDAM's and GPS guided munitions are classified as EOGB's, and from the rack options EOGB's do not seem to be supported. That is my theory so far.

Edited by AOCbravo2004

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EOGB are supported. GPS is not. My JDAMS are LGB's until we can get GPS guidance in a patch. As far as your launcher stuff goes, talk to wpnssgt, he loads those things for a living.

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EOGB are supported. GPS is not. My JDAMS are LGB's until we can get GPS guidance in a patch. As far as your launcher stuff goes, talk to wpnssgt, he loads those things for a living.


Thanks for the help USAFMTL, I don't know much about this stuff as I was a Jarhead. I'll test it out.


EDIT: Yup, that did it, as soon as I changed the GBU-38 from GPS guided to Laser Guided it was able to load 2 bombs on a dual bomb rack.

Edited by AOCbravo2004

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