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KA-6D markings question

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One for the Navy guys: Did the KA-6Ds wear the same markings as the regular Intruders in their squadron?

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Yes they did allen.... Navy tankers (A-7,A-6,S-3) used blue/green anti-collision lights vice red, to tell them apart from the rest at night.

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One for the Navy guys: Did the KA-6Ds wear the same markings as the regular Intruders in their squadron?




I've got one flight and trap in a KA-6D, it was painted exactly the same as the A-6E TRAM birds we had.

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Thanks for the info guys.


So here's the thing, I'd like to mod Paul Nortress's A-6A & E skins to use them on the KA-6D. I've done one as an experiment, VA35-91, as below:




The only problem is that Paul seems uncontactable so I can't get permission to release these, even with giving him credit for creating the skins.


So, how do I get round this? Well, the easiest way is to tell you how to do it yourself:


1) Just copy an A-6 skin folder into your KA-6D and then change the names of the .bmp files from A-6E_1 to KA-6D_1 etc (This should also work with A-6A skins too).


2) Then go into the decals .ini and change any path references from ,say, A-6E_TRAM to KA-6D.


3) Go fly.


If anyone out there can speak for Paul and give me permission I can get to work and release the skins. I could also mod the KA-6D skins that came with the aircraft for use on the bomber A6s too.


ps. Has anyone got a good copy of SidDogg's A-6E skinpack?The one that was posted here was corrupt and I'd love to get hold of those skins.

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Good news. Paul has given me permission to convert the A6 skins for the KA-6D.


Watch the skies...

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