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Talon VTOL,and VTOL FM Questions

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If someone were to put VTOL capbility into zur's excellent talon, how and who can/could do it?



also, why cant I (or anyone) change flight modes smoothly from horizontal flight to vertical hover without my plane doing off


something crazy,even with wing leveler enabled?


all problems go with aircraft like helicopters using vertical thrust vector to hover.


Can anyone provide a cure from this?


perhaps a better FM?

Edited by Shin_kazama

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That is because we do not have RCS to the Harriers. It's kind of made into the FM. But it's not a true RCS.

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And wouldn't you have to edit the model anyways, to include the thruster positions?

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And wouldn't you have to edit the model anyways, to include the thruster positions?


No not really as that would be for eye candy only. If TK implements a good RCS then it would just need ini edits.

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Oh okay, some systems require model names, but okay.

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Oh okay, some systems require model names, but okay.


True, but as an example it would be like adding an internal laser pod, like with the A-6E TRAM we did. It was all ini edits.

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Ahh cool beans. Hey man, just a note, what is "Strategery?"

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