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Bibbo's Photorealistic F-22 skin

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Judge of what? being photorealistic? I'd say almost, it may be the resolution, the angle of the model, but something looks off, most notably near the very end.


I heard someone else had taken up the model to fix and finish it?

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Judge of what? being photorealistic? I'd say almost, it may be the resolution, the angle of the model, but something looks off, most notably near the very end.


I heard someone else had taken up the model to fix and finish it?


Yes, it's off, becuase one is taking a 2-dimensional image, and trying to fit to a 3_dimensional object. The model's not finished, either.


As to whether someone else is taking it on, I'll take a cue from Captain Willard (Martin Sheen), in Apocalypse now: "I am unaware of any such activity, nor, would I be disposed to discuss it, if it in fact, were true" :biggrin:

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that's interesting


Here you go, Mike. I penned up this environment mod to show off the F-22A in its "natural" element :biggrin: :



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