Master Chief 0 Posted April 10, 2007 I am brand new to this site and I am brand new to flight Sims. I played them before a long time ago and was only good at crashing. I just had back surgery and I am on limited duty. I went out and bought myself a couple of Sims, and a decent Joy Stick. I am working on Falcon 4 AF and so so, but my key board does not jive with the the key on the setup. I have not changed anything and I doing training missions. I have not made any changes so I don't know what the problem could be. Also how do you change which model you fly, the one I have now is a two seater but I don't have a clue how I got that one. I am going to have a tome of questions, I hope that is OK. Thank you, Ron Banks MMCM(SS), USN(Ret) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagger 21 Posted April 11, 2007 Well first off welcome to Combatace,I hope you come by and enjoy the company.Now as for your be honest I changed mine and use my hotas,you might try to remap them to what ever you feel comfortable with,the reason I skated answering your question directly is I don't have a clue how that happened. I think the training missions have a pre selected aircraft for your training.In the campain besure to check the different squadrons before choosing as they have different models and different specialties. I'll see what I can come up with for you on the keyboard,gotta be someone here who might know. Oh the Navy handing out flyers?It seems we're getting over run with Navy types lately,before long I'm going to end up being the only Devil Dog around! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Thank you I will try a re-map. I will stop by, I usually play sub Sims and I learn so much from those forums and hope to do the same here. Thank you, Ron Banks MMCM(SS), USN(Ret) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted April 11, 2007 There are some issues with the training missions in F4:AF I think because they were directly taken from the original F4 with no real changes. Since many other things in AF had been altered, you were left with some problems. I never tried them in AF, to be honest. I've only done TEs and campaigns, and while there are like 42647 key commands, my only problem has been figuring out what to press. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 12, 2007 Hey thanks guys, I appreicate all the help I can get. I still enjoy my Sub Sims, but it always bothered me that the only thing I could master in an Air Sims was crashing. When I had this surgery and knew I would be laid up for a period of time I decided this was a great time to try again. Most of the flight sims I have are older than dirt, my F/A 18 OIF would play on XP. I had given my joy stick away, it was a very cheap one any way so I bought a Flight Stick Pro and Falcon 4 AF. I will be honest I learning I have basic flight down and I am doing well in taxi and take off. Today I will try to learn to land-never was worth a d.. at that. On key board I had an e-mcahine board hooked up and swaped it out for a microsoft board just to see it that would make a difference, can't really tell. I wish I could get a copy of the Key setup but can't copy the one one the setup screen, darn there are a lot and I have not figured even 15% of them yet. Some thing I don't understand with this site, I am setup for notification but I don't recieve them, any suggestions? Well now wait a minute, I just noticed a box at the bottom of this and it was not check, so now I will see what happens. Any way I do appreciate the help, Master Chief Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagger 21 Posted April 12, 2007 Chief,post about not getting notifications in the bug forum so the admin can see it. What sub sims?I'm a hugh SH3 fan,soon to get SH4,and my favorite is still Sub Command. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 12, 2007 Dagger. I used fast reply on my last and your answer came right back. It says I am setup for notification so I will watch and see what happens. You know us old Chiefs we could screw up a bowling ball with a feather duster. I play 688i, SC with SCXIIc, and DW with all the mods. I do qiuite a bit of scenario design on SC and DW, if you ever go over there I am listed as Sub Sailor. I am really trying to learn Falcon 4. I do have a question do or will I use all the buttons in this sim. I have spent most of the morning just working on different displays. No way I am ever going to remember all of them. I am also still working on my setup. Some times when I start a training mission I am already accelerating. So I need to work on settings some more. I hope my Joy Stick is adequate as I am not in a postion to buy a new one. I would like to get SH4, but can't afford the upgrades to run it. I am right at the low end and everyone say you have to have closer to 3Gigs to run it. Master Chief Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagger 21 Posted April 13, 2007 Chief,I would recommend learning one system..say mavs then move on to LGBs..yes ground attack.The A-A is very easy,remember the 3 basics to flying are 1st aviate,2nd navigate,3rd communicate(in that order).The mav. is a really cool system to employ as you can use the video in the seeker head to help target also.theres alot to learn in this sim.I use a X-45 and was flying the other night with some friends...that turned into a real furball.I think I used every trick in the book and then started making some up.Finally splashed my C.O. and while taking a victory roll almost got smoked as I saw tracers flying by the canopy. BTW what was your MOS?when was you in?Geez this is being the old seamans home here..going to have to get Chesty to come back and square this place away! Oh yeah..sorry if not for the Navy we wouldn't have been able to get to the fight and save the world. Theres another guy here goes by Navy Chief..hope you join in on the inter service picking.Alot of current and prior service guys and gals here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 13, 2007 Good morning Dagger; Thanks for the advice and I will take it. I was a Machinist Mate, Nuclear trained, Submarine qualified. Dagger I never bad mouth the United States Marine Corps, they have guarded Navy gates for over 200 years and we have never lost one, now that is an enviable record. I need a favor, the next time you respond to one of my post would you please e-mail me as I am still not being notified, but it says I have instant notification setup. Again thank you for the help, I am determined to learn these flight sims this time out Have a good one, Ron Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,893 Posted April 13, 2007 (edited) Welcome Chief - glad to see you have a lot of time on your hands too - you may need it. The training missions are invaluable so go through them 1 at a time - and yes you get a 2 seat training version for the training - that I dont think you can change. You will find most people printed the entire manual off - I certainly did . Best to start off with the realistic avionics - no point in learning the simple stuff you wont use later. You will find a lot of tips on the simhq and Fugalsworld forums too - because when it comes to things like dogfighting and avoiding missiles the manual is just a basic quick start guide. The clickable 2D cockpit can mean you not having to learn all of the 3 million commands straight away - though over time you learn the more common ones obviously. If you end up liking the game then adding a TrackIR 4 for use in the 3D cockpit is a must for dogfighting - cant fly without one anymore! good luck Edited April 13, 2007 by CoolHand29 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 13, 2007 Thanks Cool Hand, That is what I am doing. Like you, I ran the Manual off, and I am just going through the training missions one at a time. I feel I have learning how to fly and take-offs down pretty well and I am now doing the turns. Thanks for the advice and concern, Ron Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagger 21 Posted April 14, 2007 Chief,Good luck in the training.theres a very good video tutorial on landing around somewhere,I'll take a look for it and post a link later if someone doesn't beat me to it.SAM avoidance is one of the hardest things in the game,and I REALLY hate man pads!!! Yes killing in A-A is fun,but remember we Marines like the guys who fly CAS,and those are my favorite missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Chief 0 Posted April 14, 2007 Dagger; I appreciate any help at all. I am still doing basic stuff but enjoying it. I love my Sub Sims, but one thing about these Flight Sims you are always doing something. I really loved Subs and I was on them during the height of the Cold War, and h.ll of a lot younger but darn it was exciting. Some of the subs I served on were in the book "Blind Man's Bluff". I would really like to find out what type of spec ops they do now. I would think we still keep track of the Russian and I am sure now we are monitoring the Chinese, considering their increased Naval operations and construction. Have a great week end shipmate, Master Chief. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites