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With absolutely NO relation to the African or English swallow (other then not liking them very much)




This angry bird is usually seen swooping down on vehicles, dropping little 'presents', or doing other disgusting things to ships, buildings, and large bombers.


It should be noted, this is a BETA, as there are a few little glitches on the physical model. When time presents itself, our Illustrious Model Maker may fix the few small errors.


Hopefully, I'll get the readmes finished (if I can ever get away from 'fixing' all the Paki, Indian and Chinese Fishbeds -- don't ask!!), and have it ready for upload this weekend.



kevin stein

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With absolutely NO relation to the African or English swallow (other then not liking them very much)




This angry bird is usually seen swooping down on vehicles, dropping little 'presents', or doing other disgusting things to ships, buildings, and large bombers.


It should be noted, this is a BETA, as there are a few little glitches on the physical model. When time presents itself, our Illustrious Model Maker may fix the few small errors.


Hopefully, I'll get the readmes finished (if I can ever get away from 'fixing' all the Paki, Indian and Chinese Fishbeds -- don't ask!!), and have it ready for upload this weekend.



kevin stein



What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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We're assuming no ammo for the guns, no R4Ms, no bombs, half fuel???


Well, I know for a fact I can achieve 800 kph, straight down. Once.


Maybe I shold change the name to "Pterribledactl"??? :rofl:



Kevin Stein

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it's a simple question of weight ratios ...

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I miss the Quetalcoaltus and Atomic Moth from FA.....



Kevin Stein

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