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The Axis of Time trilogy

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I'm a big fan of alternate histories when it comes to books, and I came across a series of books (Very "A Final Countdown"-esque) early last year called the Axis of time trilogy by an absolute dude of an author called John Birmingham.

Long story short, it's about a UN mutlinational taskforce operating off of the coast of Indonesia after a fundamentalist coup takes place. The multinational force is prepping to begin operations to retake the Indonesian archipelego when a scientific research ship being escorted away from the AO accidentally transports the majority of the battlegroup back in time to 1942, and in amongst the US task force about to confront IJN forces at what would be the Battle of Midway.


Anyone else come across this series???

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no but I think I'll look it up.

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Yep, got them all.


Given my propensity for "Alternities", this one fit right right. Wait till you get the to 2nd book.. NO SPOLERS WILL BE REVEILED BY ME!!...


But suffice it to say, some of my SWOTL 2 stuff makes appearences


I didn't final book as good, for some reason I can't put my finger on, but they're ALL good reads, especially for us 'What If..' gamers


In a way, they're like Turtledove's "WW2: Alien Invasion" series, minus the Lizards, of course.

BTW, ginger, anyone???



kevin stein

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There is a film called The Final countdown where an american carrier enters a storm and goes back in time to december 6th 1941 and try to change history (Pearl Harbour) but just after they launch the Fighters the storm comes along and the carrier calls back the fighters then carrier sails back in to present day. Worth buying from herefor the UK or here for USA

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I've got that one on DVD. They did a special release only recently after years of non-availability.


There's also the 2 Philadelphia Experiment films, although the 2nd one was pretty bad.

There was Fatherland with Rutger Hauer, that was pretty good.




The Jedi Master

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I just got all three axis of time books this week, very final countdownish so far on the first book, but interesting none the less.

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Guest Gramps
Yep, got them all.


Given my propensity for "Alternities", this one fit right right. Wait till you get the to 2nd book.. NO SPOLERS WILL BE REVEILED BY ME!!...


But suffice it to say, some of my SWOTL 2 stuff makes appearences


I didn't final book as good, for some reason I can't put my finger on, but they're ALL good reads, especially for us 'What If..' gamers


In a way, they're like Turtledove's "WW2: Alien Invasion" series, minus the Lizards, of course.

BTW, ginger, anyone???



kevin stein



Kev, you're right, the final book isn't up to the first two. And I'm all for Aussie supersubs, but a female captain? Nothing against that, but it seemed that half the fleet were commanded by females. It's set only 15 years from now, so they'd all have to be in the Service now. What's the ratio, 20%? (almost zero in my day). That means those 20% of candidates got to command 50% of the Fleet. That's a bit too "affirmative action" for me. And the USS Hilary Clinton? I'd like to put a torpedo into that myself! :D A few other things were a bit off, but overall a good read.


Recommended to all!


Now having said that, I'm sure you're like me Kev and have a AoT SF install - and a Turtledove Worldwar one as well! Pity The Chief's Macross Zero VF-0S hasn't been ported into SF yet. It'd make a perfect Race Killercraft. Oh well, F-14 does the job for now.



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I've been making a few "Settling accounts" style skins for WWII aircraft because I was a big fan of that storyline until it just became a retelling of WWII. I just couldn't decide on what aircraft to reskin aside from the B-17. I figure the confederates were using either the B-25 and/or B-26s or something akin to that but the Asskickers? I couldn't shake the image of Confederate Stukas diving in and Blowing crap out of US positions... but that's just me.


As for AoT, I disagree. For me the weaker book was 2 since it had to bridge the introduction of the uptimers into the new environment, and 3 show just how much their technological influence had changed things in the space of what? A few years? German Mp44s with grenade launchers as well as AIF 30.03 AK-47s, it was the little things that would grab my attention...


Also, I think why the 3rd is critisied a bit is that Birmo reduced the number of characters with each book, not necessarily killing them or whatever, just focusing on the main players as it were. He's currently in the middle of two new ones. One, pre Axis of Time with the characters from the first book, the second about a young hotshot RAF pilot in the 80's who goes by the name Richard branson...

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In a way, they're like Turtledove's "WW2: Alien Invasion" series, minus the Lizards, of course.

BTW, ginger, anyone???



kevin stein


There's a great reference to that in book 1 when they're explaining alternate universe theory to Nimitz and the other naval staff... Plus lot of Australian references and in joke. The man likes to take the piss, what can I say?

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