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OTC: Change in Available Ammo

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I'm playing once again the excellent Operation Tainted Cigar, this time as A-4 jockey assigned to the VA-94 Shrikes aboard the Enterprise. For the first few missions I got regular iron bombs, but this just changed. It is no November 28, 1963 in the campaign and I get a completely different set of loadout, that looks much more like the Weapons Pack than the standard weapons available. Is this intended or should I try a fresh install?

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Sounds pretty standard to me happens in most campaigns at some point. I think it can be changed to limit your ordanance - am not sure how though. - there may be something in the knowledgebase under campaign editing.

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usually it changes with the plane. Or the service dates of the ordinance passed and was replaced by new bombs?

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I think I found the reason. The loadouts in the campaign (cuba_data.ini) only provide a limited selection of weapons. Once the first supply arrives, more models available from the weapondata.ini arrive. Here's the inital loadout for the VA-94:



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Yep that is how the sim operates. Nothing wrong with it at all. You get your initial deployment loadouts then once the supplies start coming in you get all kinds of good stuff.

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