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Bort's Main Page is Back

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Well guys, Bort has totally shut his site down, making this a pretty sad day indeed ! Was on earlier this AM, gonna chat with him and see if this thing could be settled amicably but the comments were turned off, couldn't leave a message. He has my e-mail address, hoping he'll try and contact me.....this just sucks M-M

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Why did he shut his site down? Everyone liked his work I thought?

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went to borts sight ten min. ago. closed! who is jerkin this guys chain?i like what he has done ,and he improves as he learns,he has given everyone rights to modify anything they want,what more could anyone want?i wish i had his talent,lets not lose anyone to ignorance!

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went to borts sight ten min. ago. closed! who is jerkin this guys chain?i like what he has done ,and he improves as he learns,he has given everyone rights to modify anything they want,what more could anyone want?i wish i had his talent,lets not lose anyone to ignorance!


I loved a lot of his stuff and use it alot but he was one of those guys that no matter how constructive it was critisism was somthing he couldn't stomach.He got some mean spirited coments for sure but no more and probobly a lot less than most.his I'll take my toys and leave mentality was rather childish to be honest.I wish he would come back too.as stated I had nothing but respect for his work but to run and hide when he didn't get unconditional praise for everything he did was rather pathetic. :dntknw: Bort if your reading this I have enjoyed your models going back to the old CFS2 days.I enjoyed them for what they were and appreciated them but nothing is ever perfect including your work and to run away because a flaw was exposed or somone wanted to improve a flight model just rubs most people the wrong way.to punish the whole community like some spoiled brat just gives more ammo to your critics.

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Guest IndioBlack
I loved a lot of his stuff and use it alot but he was one of those guys that no matter how constructive it was critisism was somthing he couldn't stomach.He got some mean spirited coments for sure but no more and probobly a lot less than most.his I'll take my toys and leave mentality was rather childish to be honest.I wish he would come back too.as stated I had nothing but respect for his work but to run and hide when he didn't get unconditional praise for everything he did was rather pathetic. :dntknw: Bort if your reading this I have enjoyed your models going back to the old CFS2 days.I enjoyed them for what they were and appreciated them but nothing is ever perfect including your work and to run away because a flaw was exposed or somone wanted to improve a flight model just rubs most people the wrong way.to punish the whole community like some spoiled brat just gives more ammo to your critics.


No one can take criticism. No one. In fact you know full well that this site here does not allow criticism of any person or company. It's part of the rules. It's why I have to choose my words very carefully, because I have been warned time after time for daring to question what I considered unnacceptable behaviour.

So it is a little unfair to criticise Bort for a "take my toys and leave mentality". It seems like the same sort of mentality that causes the A-Team to take their toys and only make them available to a select few who can join their club and promise not to criticise their work.

I warned before that this sort of thing was dividing the community, and it has.

Bort should never have been driven from this site by thoughtless criticism, or his work would be readily available here. And the A-Team really should consider making their work available to a wider audience, instead of indulging in this bizarre "Restricted-ware" concept.

But, as Capun pointed out quite clearly: "downloading is a privilege, not a right". So please don't attack Bort for no longer wishing to allow you the privilege of downloading his work. That's his right.

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"please don't attack Bort for no longer wishing to allow you the privilege of downloading his work. That's his right. "


I would never question anyone's right to do what ever they want with their stuff.the thing I can do is call it like I see it and what I see is someone acting like a baby.He wasn't being picked on in an unfair manner. I have been criticized(rightly so) for the work I have done and never once did I cry about it. I flied away the BS and used the rest to improve my work.Most "artist" types tend to be rather thin skinned,I guess it goes with the territory,but a small few just can't take any sort of heat at all.It's the privileged mentality that really eats at most people.Look what I can do and if you don't like it I'll just have to remove my great stuff.LOL.I could care less as I don't have a dog in this fight really. I liked Borts stuff.I enjoyed his planes for years and gave praise where it was due and usually kept my mouth shut otherwise.But the whole crybaby stuff is the part I have issue with.If you have been to his blog all he has done for the last month or so is cry and whine about every perceived injustice that the community has done to him.Som one wants to make a skin for my planes,they must not like the ones that came with them,there fore I'll get upset at this injustice.and so on and so on.he criticized others works just as much as his were but doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with that. I'm done with this whole issue unless someone else brings it up.If Bort want to "man up" and return to the community I'll be the first to welcome him back he had much talent and his style was unique.Im sure what will really happen is he'll come back at some point and have a list of everyone who has "wronged" him and not let anyone of them into his little playhouse.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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No one can take criticism. No one.


I can, and do. Constructive criticism is a *good* thing. That's how one learns. A definition of learning is "a change in behavior as the result of experience"--i.e., making mistakes is a large part of how we learn.


Mindless criticism--e.g., "your work sucks, you loser"--is not a good thing, inasmuch as there's no positive influence. However, personality dictates how that sort of criticism is received. If someone said "your work sucks, you loser" to me--and I spent my youth in touring rock bands so I heard a lot of negative comments like that--it'd be water off a duck's back. I know if something I do is good or bad; I needn't any external validation.


Anytime you place yourself or your work in front of the public you must be prepared to endure criticism, either the positive or the negative kind. Rightly or wrongly, that's just the way it is. If you cannot, then it's best not to enter the arena.

Edited by JFM

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"Anytime you place yourself or your work in front of the public you must be prepared to endure criticism, either the positive or the negative kind. Rightly or wrongly, that's just the way it is. If you cannot, then it's best not to enter the arena."



Amen :clapping:

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ok,Let not talk bad because some closed a site,or removed their work,thats their right.I'm sure folks have their reasons.as for the A-Team,it's their work and if they want it to be released by reg. and approval then that's their choice,I just got a new mod for a game that involved reg on the site,sending an e-mail requesting the mod,and then explaining why I think I'd like it,so this isn't the only game that does that,and also once I got it there were 2 read mes with one saying NO part could be used in anyway without the original modders permission and he had copywrited all of it,so it could be worse,took me 2 days to get a 35 meg mod,thats a beta.

If yall want his work,I may suggest e-mailing him,if not leave him alone.Same for all the mod teams,no matter who it is and why,there will be no flaming them.Don't like they way they do business?well e-mail or PM them,bring into public and there will be problems for you.Want their work and can't get it or they decided to quit offering it..again e-mail or PM them,don't bring it out in public.

So keep it on topic,keep it a decent conversation,or it will go away.

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ok,Let not talk bad because some closed a site,or removed their work,thats their right.I'm sure folks have their reasons.as for the A-Team,it's their work and if they want it to be released by reg. and approval then that's their choice,I just got a new mod for a game that involved reg on the site,sending an e-mail requesting the mod,and then explaining why I think I'd like it,so this isn't the only game that does that,and also once I got it there were 2 read mes with one saying NO part could be used in anyway without the original modders permission and he had copywrited all of it,so it could be worse,took me 2 days to get a 35 meg mod,thats a beta.

If yall want his work,I may suggest e-mailing him,if not leave him alone.Same for all the mod teams,no matter who it is and why,there will be no flaming them.Don't like they way they do business?well e-mail or PM them,bring into public and there will be problems for you.Want their work and can't get it or they decided to quit offering it..again e-mail or PM them,don't bring it out in public.

So keep it on topic,keep it a decent conversation,or it will go away.


I agre with you Dagger and also appologize for my semi-rants.I would never argue anyones right to do anything they wanted with their site or models.If combatace decided to close up shop tomorrow I would be very sad but I wouldn't flame you guys.The issue I had was his rantings and acusations that were in general false.


from his site,



"there you go as i said this site closed by democratic community request...why is the community whining about the fact that i have actually done as requested??..or did the community not expect that to happen??...and if not what is this community you speak of and what exactly does it expect??...the community gets what the community wants..isn't that what it's all about??

you can thank me later... "


as far as I remember no one ever wanted him to stop his work or close up shop.that was his decision and his alone.He just seems to blam everyone else for all his problems and I got sick of it.I was a supporter of his untill the rants and such started on his blog.I accepted his work for what it was and never said anything but good about it.I just had an issue with the way he handled the community rather than the communities treatment of him.I'm sorry dagger for going off and i'll drop it as of now.


On a side note Dagger your a truck driver by trade?Are you Indipendent or do you drive for a line?My father drove for Global/Allied for 30+ years.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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Ok well Im going to venture into the waters here very slowly and carefully.... :rolleyes:


Im going to point at Laton and that crew making the newest models real fast and point out that some of the best work has come from him and we have offered many constructive comments back and forth about different issues and no one has got bent out of shape(btw there are more amazing mod people here as well just picking on him cuz I know he won't mind :tongue: ). To say that no one here can take any input is not at all what I see here. I have had many send me ideas and disagreements in priv msgs and none have been mean spirited. I feel some are just getting caught up in all the bad they can find and will not take a look at all the great stuff thats available to us here, right now!


I have had some realy nasty things said about me on different Open Blogs and Open Forums over somethings I did in the campaign but I did not take anything nasty into open forums and make everyone suffer and have to look at it. I do have my opinions about this whole thing but I keep that in priviate msg's and not out here in the open forum. One thing I have seen is a few select people go off in forums before they even send a priv msg to the other person to get the real story from them first.


There are a ton of planes available and, thanks to some amazing hard work from the Mod guys we have even more otw. This game is a ton of fun and will be as long as most of us can keep our eye on the game and not on the drama. Quite a few just don't say much unless it's negative in nature. It seems like all they wait for is a chance to down something and want to keep the pot stirred up as much as possible. If we all try changing the way we react then this forum will be an even better place to hang out than it already is. All it takes is taking a few breath's and think about what you write and how you would feel if it was pointed at you.


Now Ateam planes.... I personally dont know of anyone who has been denied any access to the Ateam planes unless they made comments in the open bad mouthing Ateams way to letting planes out, sorry but its their choice and I can live with that and, I think many others are doing the same. This is yet another reason to keep things in private tells and not blurting things out in the open that you object to how they do it. I do feel theres a fine line between being constructive and destructive in a forum, its a VERY grey area and easy to step over if not thought out well. If it was that hard to get them I would feel bad about adding them to my campaigns for sure. I have not had ONE priv msg saying they were denied access to these planes and can't use the plane fest! No im not part of the Ateam in any aspect, just a flyer who happens to make a few campaigns here and there. I have even made a different mod of the DR1 FM for hard FM mode and capun was just as easy as anyone else to work with and I suffered no broken bones or any form of torture from the meeting... :biggrin:


Last point..... written word in a forum is very hard to judge since no tone or inflection can be heard from who writes it. They can't include body language, gestures or any means other than the written words so please take that into consideration when reading someones post that sounds strange.


I hope I didn't pick on anyone or seem out of line with anything I posted here. If the mods do feel this to be rude or destructive.... please remove my post and I totally understand.



<steps down off the soap box and makes room for the next poster>

Edited by Firecage

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I have found,for the most part blogs can be a place for people to vent.I have read where folks have had bad things ot say about Combatace,and trust me it's hard not to just tell them if you're not happy I can ban you,and your IP...but in all fairness I can't as they took it off site,again I wish if people have a problem with our rules or the way we impliment them here they should just PM one of us.

We allow folks to offer constructive discussion,not flaming.If you notice something wrong,and in a polite way make your point,no problem,BUT if you don't like something,and you just rant and flame the modder then no it's won't be allowed.

Everyone has the right to an opinion,BUT if you want to flame someone take it to PM or to another site that allows flame fests.

These modders work hard on their planes,terrains,or any other add-ons for this or any other title.Ok nobody is going to be prefect,and nobody will put out a mod that everyone likes,but atleast they make the effort.

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Guest IndioBlack
"please don't attack Bort for no longer wishing to allow you the privilege of downloading his work. That's his right. "


I would never question anyone's right to do what ever they want with their stuff.the thing I can do is call it like I see it and what I see is someone acting like a baby.He wasn't being picked on in an unfair manner. I have been criticized(rightly so) for the work I have done and never once did I cry about it. I flied away the BS and used the rest to improve my work.Most "artist" types tend to be rather thin skinned,I guess it goes with the territory,but a small few just can't take any sort of heat at all.It's the privileged mentality that really eats at most people.Look what I can do and if you don't like it I'll just have to remove my great stuff.LOL.I could care less as I don't have a dog in this fight really. I liked Borts stuff.I enjoyed his planes for years and gave praise where it was due and usually kept my mouth shut otherwise.But the whole crybaby stuff is the part I have issue with.If you have been to his blog all he has done for the last month or so is cry and whine about every perceived injustice that the community has done to him.Som one wants to make a skin for my planes,they must not like the ones that came with them,there fore I'll get upset at this injustice.and so on and so on.he criticized others works just as much as his were but doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with that. I'm done with this whole issue unless someone else brings it up.If Bort want to "man up" and return to the community I'll be the first to welcome him back he had much talent and his style was unique.Im sure what will really happen is he'll come back at some point and have a list of everyone who has "wronged" him and not let anyone of them into his little playhouse.


You're using terms like "crybaby" and "man-up", which are totally offensive in an adult discussion. Bort made it quite clear on his site that he made the planes for himself, but he was going to share them with anyone who accepted them as they were. His message was quite clear: if you don't like his work, don't download. And furthermore, the way he made them was not open to discussion.

I remember the first time I came to this site and downloaded some boat which happened to be a .rar file. I'd never come across a .rar file before, so I asked what it was, and why weren't people using winzip files instead. The reply I got was:

"If you don't like it, don't download it". The file and response were Capun's. Obviously you are right about artist types being sensitive.

Fortunately, someone else here was kind enough to tell me how to deal with .rar files.


But let's be quite clear about the A-Team: You may be okay if you've been accepted, and those who have been accepted will naturally defend them to the death; but be careful what you say. You wouldn't be the first one to have your membership rescinded for questioning their methods. Would you dare to call them "cry-baby" for doing that ?

And before you jump to conclusions, I'm not talking about me. They refused me joining in the first place. I'm talking about someone else who had membership, but had it taken away when he asked a perfectly reasonable question about the source of some of their work.

Me, I can live without them, but I'm rather disappointed to lose Bort.

Still, as people are always saying here when they've lost the argument: "It's only a game".

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everyone has the right to do what they want with there own creations,no doubt about it ! but its still a sad day!i dont mind reg. for rights as a-team has done, i just have never have found why FE has caused so much turmoil!BORT best of luck on all you do,hope you keep on creating your fine planes,hope to see you soon!sure would like to talk to you one on one,but dont no how to contact you!as for everyone [included me].open the front door,its spring, the fish are biteing,time to go camping,ride your harleys,tell your wife ,girlfriend,how much they mean to you,play with the kids!its just a game![or simulation as i have told my for years]

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I agree,this sim has caused more problems than it's solved,atleast from the community point of view.Until this sim there had not been any problems,or if there was they were worked out like adults in PMs and e-mails.The problem is rivet counters,people who have never flown a WW1 airplane,or even seem one except in a few pitures,yet seem to be experts on them and demand that the modders make them to fit their needs.If you have something constructive to say thats fine,but don't harp on the problems with a mod. thats the nice thing about this game...you can change what you don't like.

Now back on topic..closing was his decision,end of story,if he wants to post here again he's welcome,if not that's his decision also.

As for the A-Team,they don't have anything to do with this topic,BUT they are free to do what they want with their work..if you're not happy with them PM or e-mail them,bring it out here and there will be problems.

as for ALL the other modders and there's plenty of them..they are still releasing models and terrains.if you can't find anything good to say about something,then trust me don't say it.

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You're using terms like "crybaby" and "man-up", which are totally offensive in an adult discussion. Bort made it quite clear on his site that he made the planes for himself, but he was going to share them with anyone who accepted them as they were. His message was quite clear: if you don't like his work, don't download. And furthermore, the way he made them was not open to discussion.

I remember the first time I came to this site and downloaded some boat which happened to be a .rar file. I'd never come across a .rar file before, so I asked what it was, and why weren't people using winzip files instead. The reply I got was:

"If you don't like it, don't download it". The file and response were Capun's. Obviously you are right about artist types being sensitive.

Fortunately, someone else here was kind enough to tell me how to deal with .rar files.


But let's be quite clear about the A-Team: You may be okay if you've been accepted, and those who have been accepted will naturally defend them to the death; but be careful what you say. You wouldn't be the first one to have your membership rescinded for questioning their methods. Would you dare to call them "cry-baby" for doing that ?

And before you jump to conclusions, I'm not talking about me. They refused me joining in the first place. I'm talking about someone else who had membership, but had it taken away when he asked a perfectly reasonable question about the source of some of their work.

Me, I can live without them, but I'm rather disappointed to lose Bort.

Still, as people are always saying here when they've lost the argument: "It's only a game".



Ok here goes.Maybe I was a little harsh with the terminology I used but I'm not to far from the mark here.Bort has a history of being OVERLY thin skined.I pointed it out.Maybe I shouldn't have in an open forum,thats my own issue and If somone has a way to reach bort I'll be perfectly happy to say that I was out of line in my use of words and the venue i used to say them but the underlying messege is still valid.He makes his models for himself(as I do with my skins)but if somone brings up an error or gives me a hint how I can inprove things I don't pull my stuff and trash them on my site.He did recieve some bashing but no more and prob less than I have seen others get.Indio your right in some ways and I was overly heated when I posted,about many things, some not First eagle related.As for the A-team I have never had a beef with them and if i did I would bring it up.Maybe with little more tact this time around but I'll always speak my mind.I have no hard feeling towards anyone here wether involed in this situation or not.

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You're using terms like "crybaby" and "man-up", which are totally offensive in an adult discussion. Bort made it quite clear on his site that he made the planes for himself, but he was going to share them with anyone who accepted them as they were. His message was quite clear: if you don't like his work, don't download. And furthermore, the way he made them was not open to discussion.

I remember the first time I came to this site and downloaded some boat which happened to be a .rar file. I'd never come across a .rar file before, so I asked what it was, and why weren't people using winzip files instead. The reply I got was:

"If you don't like it, don't download it". The file and response were Capun's. Obviously you are right about artist types being sensitive.

Fortunately, someone else here was kind enough to tell me how to deal with .rar files.


But let's be quite clear about the A-Team: You may be okay if you've been accepted, and those who have been accepted will naturally defend them to the death; but be careful what you say. You wouldn't be the first one to have your membership rescinded for questioning their methods. Would you dare to call them "cry-baby" for doing that ?

And before you jump to conclusions, I'm not talking about me. They refused me joining in the first place. I'm talking about someone else who had membership, but had it taken away when he asked a perfectly reasonable question about the source of some of their work.

Me, I can live without them, but I'm rather disappointed to lose Bort.

Still, as people are always saying here when they've lost the argument: "It's only a game".


No their not Bort, those terms fit this conversation well. Because you have gone over to Borts blog after have been chastised and have slagged Combatace. Instead of just admit you were wrong. I got a news flash for you, the A Team's register to download is no different than here. At CA you have to register to download. And you can be denied access just like the A Team.


Now you are right about modders being sensitive. Bort created some works of art. But as a modder you have to take the good with the bad. If you put something out there expect someone to critique it. The wrong thing to do is get upset over it, provided the critique was put in a mature and rational manner and not "Hey this planes sucks." I have seen some thin skinned over mods before but takes the cake. He didn't want any feedback for his stuff unless it was positive. He jumped on people who were trying to help him. Then he would run over to his blog and attack the people trying to help him. That is something I do not understand. If he didn't want people to say anything about his work, he shouldn't release his work. I think he will be back when he cools down if not his files will be abandonware and that would be a shame.

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I'm talking about someone else who had membership, but had it taken away when he asked a perfectly reasonable question about the source of some of their work.

lol...if you're talking about RVH...the question was answered...it was the way he asked it that was extremely innappropriate. He broke a user agreement and so lost access.

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Guest IndioBlack
No their not Bort, those terms fit this conversation well. Because you have gone over to Borts blog after have been chastised and have slagged Combatace. Instead of just admit you were wrong. I got a news flash for you, the A Team's register to download is no different than here. At CA you have to register to download. And you can be denied access just like the A Team.


Your use of English is a little unclear here, but I will take you to task for your assertion "Instead of just admit you were wrong." That is aggressive and makes erroneous assumptions.

In my case, you obviously use the term "wrong" to describe opinions that are different to yours.


Certainly I stated opinions on Bort's Blog that criticised CombatAce. I was not allowed to state those opinions here - thread locked, personal warnings etc. A place where you can exercise freedom of speech is hard to find.


Now Dagger asserts : "As for the A-Team,they don't have anything to do with this topic". I disagree. I mentioned the A-Team, because they used to make their work available and freely downloadable on this site. As did Bort.

Then for some, unclear reason, they "took away their toys". As did Bort.

whiteknight 06604 used the terms "cry-baby" and "man-up" against Bort, that I feel perfectly fitted the A-Team's actions too. You probably disagree with me, but "Newsflash": it doesn't make either of us "wrong"

I was attempting rhetoric, and comparing the actions of two separate sets of people, both of whom "took away their toys".

One was being attacked as a "cry-baby" for doing so, the others were not. I enjoyed the irony. Perhaps you do not.


I'd just like to say to whiteknight06604, regarding his latest post: I understand your views and the sentiments expressed.

I bear no hard-feelings towards you whatsoever.

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Well you can very well state your opinions here however when it becomes disruptive to the site then yes you will get a warning. In your case, you couldn't let it go. Had you just stated your opinions and left it at that, then no warnings would of been issiued. Believe me when I say everyone understands where you are coming from. Its good to leave it at that. It's obvious they will not change their policies. So what will carrying on about it do? Nothing really.

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please dont let this be a flamewar.. A-Team removed me for a reason evryone knows, Bort removed his site for a reason evryone knows. Let`s respect those choices and move on!




Melnibone Posted Today, 10:42 AM


QUOTE(IndioBlack @ Apr 30 2007, 12:33 AM) *

I'm talking about someone else who had membership, but had it taken away when he asked a perfectly reasonable question about the source of some of their work.


lol...if you're talking about RVH...the question was answered...it was the way he asked it that was extremely innappropriate. He broke a user agreement and so lost access." Quote end.



As we can all see, it`s allowed to have different opinions and ways of doing things.

If we could accept that, and best of all, respect that, or just like Melnibone did there, argue it in a constructive and non-offensive way. I didnt get angry or anything when he said it like that. Instead of flaming an entire modelling team, like I did.. This community would look heckuva lot more mature! I know, I know. People miss using A-Teams planes cuz maybe theyre not allowed to download, and others again miss bort`s planes cuz he just put down the site. Calling Bort a cry-baby (Or whatever it was that he was called, I stand open for corrections.) Or calling A-Team hypocriti#%#"/.. Certainly is not what I would do... Flame one modeller/mod team, while promoting others??? Were all under the same roof here!! NO No NO im not starting a new flame war here, what I am trying to say is if people around here could just start showing some damn respect, no matter who the person, the choices he/she makes, the consequences that decision/choice produces. We might be able to kick off with real speed from where we ended here: The start...







Edited by Red Von Hammer

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Guest IndioBlack
Well you can very well state your opinions here however when it becomes disruptive to the site then yes you will get a warning. In your case, you couldn't let it go. Had you just stated your opinions and left it at that, then no warnings would of been issiued. Believe me when I say everyone understands where you are coming from. Its good to leave it at that. It's obvious they will not change their policies. So what will carrying on about it do? Nothing really.


I have no interest in trying to change the A-Team's policies, however misguided and elitist I believe them to be. So I hope everyone will pay attention to that statement, and not assume they know where I'm coming from.


What I found a bit rich was someone complaining about Bort taking his toys away, when it is quite clear that this is exactly what the A-Team did: They took their toys away.

No-one, apart from me, seems to think that what the A-Team is doing is foolish, and yet Bort got a lot of criticism for doing the same thing. I think that hypocrisy was worth illuminating.


At least Von Hammer understands: "Flame one modeller/mod team, while promoting others???".

In other words, is it okay to flame Bort for being thin-skinned, but not okay to flame the A-Team for rescinding a person's membership because he asked a question in a way that was "extremely inappropriate" ?


So what will carrying on about anything do ? You hope it will elevate people's thinking. And sometimes it does.

It's doing nothing that achieves "Nothing really". And you know what happens when "Good men do nothing ..."

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I have no interest in trying to change the A-Team's policies, however misguided and elitist I believe them to be. So I hope everyone will pay attention to that statement, and not assume they know where I'm coming from.


What I found a bit rich was someone complaining about Bort taking his toys away, when it is quite clear that this is exactly what the A-Team did: They took their toys away.

No-one, apart from me, seems to think that what the A-Team is doing is foolish, and yet Bort got a lot of criticism for doing the same thing. I think that hypocrisy was worth illuminating.


At least Von Hammer understands: "Flame one modeller/mod team, while promoting others???".

In other words, is it okay to flame Bort for being thin-skinned, but not okay to flame the A-Team for rescinding a person's membership because he asked a question in a way that was "extremely inappropriate" ?


So what will carrying on about anything do ? You hope it will elevate people's thinking. And sometimes it does.

It's doing nothing that achieves "Nothing really". And you know what happens when "Good men do nothing ..."


But you can only beat a dead horse so much. The difference between the A Team and Bort is that Bort shut down completely. The A Team did not. It is their right to have a select people access to their stuff. You state freedom of this and freedom of that yet when some one exercises that freedom you object. We do the same thing here, we have select access to the files here. It is no different, just on a larger scale. So again, we are back at square one. But again we have beat this subject to death, can we move on?

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