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Flying non Flyable aircrafts

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Hey Guys :crazy:

Just want toknow ive been looking at the aircraft modding but they take away some of your planes :blush:

but the thing is the meinit.xml file you can set the humancockpit to = yes then you can fly them sorda ..lol on the ground they are fine but as soon as you takeoff you cannot fly the dam thing why is that???? isnt there a way to fix that so you dont loose any standard flying planes and just ading the non flyable so you can fly them ....Shurly tere must be a way....its better having them all work with the default cockpit than loosing the some aircrafts or over writing them.

Thanks in advance for any answers

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Thanks for the reply 'eraser_tr ill have to get the falmming cliffs then cause i have the standard LOMAC ver 1.02 so When i got that ill check back to let you know thanks again but i whished i could do it with ver 1.02

And can you play flamming cliffs on ubi .com and i suppose that the other versions wont work with flamming cliffs

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I'm not sure, I bought lomac gold and haven't tried to play online.

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I'm not sure, I bought lomac gold and haven't tried to play online.


I'm just curious, but have there been any releases of Lomac FC without the Starforce protection? I've been dying to play FC but the copy I bought has Starforce protection and it will not run at all, despite my removing every trace of dvd burning software I have...

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Not as far as I know. All have SF. The Achilles heel of FC.


Not to say there aren't cracked versions floating about the net, but I've not seen them.

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The "cracked" versions floating around aren't cracked. In fact, one of the first ones had a virus in it. When FC first came out SF was v3.xx and that was crackable. FC has v4.xx which isn't.


That being said, I flew in a Red Flag exercise with about 45 others today and not one of them or one of the 20+ people in my squadron have had SF ever give us any troubles.

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Try this mod. Worked for me, I could fly all planes without losing any of the original ones. Wish the american planes used american cockpits, but better than having to replace stuff.





I just installed this one, but it doesnt seem to be working.

I have the FC upgraded and the file installed with modman, which shows green.....ans when i start up and try to make a map so that we can select planes it still shows the old flyables???


Anybody for some ideas??? If i would get it to work it would be WICKED!!!!!


Thanks in advance

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