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I've installed SFP1 (v.083006) I exported AV-8A from WOE but its no working.

Please help

Sorry for language :dntknw:

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Edited by Tristan

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You need to extract all the AV-8A files from the WOE ObjectData file into a folder named AV-8A, and then place that folder in your SFP1 Aircraft folder. Use the extractor utility available in the downloads to extract all the relevant tga's, LOD's and ini files.

Or, if this all seems too complicated, just download the excellent AV-8C available here at CombatAce. The AV-8C has a great flight model, cockpit and lots more skins available than the WOE AV-8A.

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Will the AV-8C, then replace the AV-8A in the campaign, though?

Or will you only get the "C" in single missions?

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Edited by Tristan

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You need to extract all the AV-8A files from the WOE ObjectData file into a folder named AV-8A, and then place that folder in your SFP1 Aircraft folder. Use the extractor utility available in the downloads to extract all the relevant tga's, LOD's and ini files.

Or, if this all seems too complicated, just download the excellent AV-8C available here at CombatAce. The AV-8C has a great flight model, cockpit and lots more skins available than the WOE AV-8A.



Thank you so much :biggrin:

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