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Preview Images of Patch II (Borg vs. Breen)

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I've wondered if we'll ever see more of the Breen or not.

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Jedi you will see more, though do you have a suggestion? We are rather open to any ideas and suggestions, we have already done some things here and there for the community.We have some more ships in mind for the breen, so if that is what you mean cool! Though i would like to here what you have in mind?



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Looking forward to the new patch


Cheers MarkL

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LOL, actually I was referring to the TV/films, as we only saw a bit of them at the end of DS9!


However, I like the idea of seeing all types of a species' ships, from large battlecruisers to smaller gunships and such. My favorite thing about playing games like these has been the ability to use the ships you barely saw in the series/films, like the Akira class. The ones you catch a brief glimpse of once or twice and never see again!

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