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For SWOTL: WW2 46....

Just a little something I threw together, from an existing CV (and yes, I know the island isn't right)

Also, a modified 109T10







Anybody remember who built HMS Eagle?? Was it Hinch or A-Team??? -- I can't even remember where I got most of my stuff!



kevin stein

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Hey Wrench, I'd forgotten all about my faux HMS Eagle! It's just a very loose interpretation I bashed up quickly so I had something for Sea Hurris and Seafires to land on. I released it way back when as HMS Irresistible, as it really has only a passing resemblance to Eagle (hull from HMS Tiger and bits and pieces from elsewhere). Glad you can use her.

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Thanks Hinch! I just couldn't remember who built it, I've had it since it first came out.


Needs more operational guns, but the 109s will take off and land (although they look funny hopping on the deck,) I know the real 109T was a modded E with extened wingtips, and some kind of overwing spoiler, widened stance, but these do work.


Now that there's a KM carrier, I've run into the same problem they did... how to use it!! :dntknw: Way too high value to put out into the Atlantic underescorted....

Guess I'll need to tweek a Stuka too....might has well give it some striking power!



Kevin Stein

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Wrench, she was built when ships could have only one functioning weapon................. and the guns modelled aren't exactly the best for AA fire. Even with multiple weapons for the SF series these days, they're still too idiosyncratic for me to want to muck around with them further. Naval aviation has always been my favourite, but if the ships don't work right............................ less than inspiring.


Here's hoping TK raises the game.

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If we had a Henschel Hs 123 or a Heinkel He 50, I would say to use that. It looks more of an aircraft carrier plane than does the Stuka.

Edited by suhsjake

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If we had a Henschel Hs 123 or a Heinkel He 50, I would say to use that. It looks more of an aircraft carrier plane than does the Stuka.


Looks aren't everything.


There is nothing wrong with the Ju87. After all, it was supposed to be the carrier's dive bomber. You can't say that of the Hs123. :wink:


Anyway, the Graf Zeppelin would have been of little operational use, due to the superiority of the Royal Navy, but it could have played the same role as the Tripitz did.


Btw, would it be possible to stage carrier battles like Coral Sea or Midway within SFP or WOV?

Edited by Gocad

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GZ could have been used to hunt convoys too to support uboat ops. Luftwaffe did not have sufficient quantities of the fw200 condor and ju-88's dont have the range for long-range reconaissance so the carrier could have been used in those ops.

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Btw, would it be possible to stage carrier battles like Coral Sea or Midway within SFP or WOV?


Not in a very compelling way. Sure, you could build/gather the required models, but ship management is pretty primitive within SF. As I've said before, being most interested in naval/naval aviation matters, I've always hoped that things might be developed (improved carrier flightdeck operations, for example), but I suppose TK's interests lie elsewhere................. at least for now.

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